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of the time造句
31. A few more statistics will suffice to show the trends of the time. 32. It's a shame - he had gippy tummy most of the time he was on holiday. 33. I have many pleasant recollections of the time we spent together. 34. Her grandfather's in his second childhood and talks nonsense most of the time. 35. The political upheavals find an echo in the art of the time. 36. They spent much of the time reminiscing about the war, as old soldiers are wont to do. 37. The two boys get on well most of the time. 38. The rest of the time was occupied with writing a report. 39. The government of the time placed responsibility for the poor on the Church. 40. My interest in the art of India grew out of the time I spent there during the war. 41. She had a miserable holiday she was ill for part of the time. 42. Most of the time he sat around doing fuck all . 43. I can speak German but we speak English most of the time. 44. I shall be left with many enduring memories of the time I spent in India. 45. He was among the first to question the received wisdom of the time. 46. Ostensibly he was on a business trip, but he spent most of the time on the beach./of the time.html 47. Most of the time, they slouch around in the fields. 48. Some of the patients were kept doped up most of the time. 49. He seemed to be on acid most of the time. 50. The building was erected between 1798 and 1802 in the neoclassical style of the time. 51. Much of the time we do not notice that we are solving problems. 52. She was doped up on drink and drugs most of the time. 53. Photographs show him wearing the scruffy T-shirt and jeans that were the student's uniform of the time. 54. They defied the conventions of the time by living together without being married. 55. He'd spent four and a half years in windowless cells, much of the time in chains. 56. The big advantage of multi-tasking is that all equipment is used most of the time. 57. The movie accurately reflects the mood of the time . 58. Nizan's views were out of phase with the political climate of the time. 59. The music of the time mirrored the feeling of optimism in the country. 60. For much of the time he was in hospital, he was under sedation. "I was in La La Land," he said.