快好知 kuaihz

1. Democrats Also provide payments to disabled noncitizens. 2. In the documents, Clinton proposed restoring benefits to about 250, 000 non-citizens who became disabled after they entered the country. 3. He cited examples of cities that allowed noncitizens to vote in municipal elections in Maryland and several other states. 4. Noncitizens can make a contribution under the law, provided they hold green cards. 5. Dornan blamed his defeat on alleged irregularities, including voting by non-citizens and felons. 6. Under a new federal immigration law, non-citizens who vote are ineligible for naturalization and can be deported. 7. He claimed there was widespread voting by noncitizens and illegal aliens. 8. He charged that up to 1, 000 non-citizens and felons had cast ballots. 9. Hermandad is one of the agencies where Arauz said she saw workers assisting noncitizens with voter registration forms. 10. After his defeat by 984 votes, Dornan immediately claimed the election was marred by voter fraud, including voting by noncitizens. 11. Ironically, it was the fear of congressional action against noncitizens that had finally motivated him to apply for citizenship. 12. It would bar benefit payments and other social services to most noncitizens and legal immigrants.