快好知 kuaihz

1. This glass has a greenish tinge. 2. She orders a cloudy greenish drink with ice cubes. 3. They were large and greenish brown. 4. His flesh was dead white, greenish. 5. By leaving the tramlines, which were still greenish, he had a sample at 16% moisture. 6. Mass-production of greenish glass also occurred at the western end of the Roman Empire as mentioned above. 7. Even when ripe, these huge fruits have a greenish yellow skin and flesh, so don't be put off. 8. Iron impurities in sand produce the common greenish colour often observed in glass. 8.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 9. This greenish greyish land with patches of dark trees might have been anywhere. 10. A dozen or so greenish boulders lurked with angular menace below. 11. In the middle layer is greenish gabbro, molten rock that never made it to the surface of the crust. 12. In the greenish cast of the thallium iodide driving light, Pat lands us gently on pillow basalts. 13. When grown in subdued light, the leaves become greenish-brown or bronze colour with greenish blotches. 14. Her greenish eyes were wide open, staring sightless at the ceiling. 15. The greenish hue added to the mystery, making Titron look like a ghost ship. 16. They are greenish gray to yellowish with many large round dark spots. 17. Antares has a greenish companion star which is a radio source, but it is not visible with binoculars. 18. Everywhere was thick with greenish slime and off-white guano in this great bird slum. 19. Now greenish bile is in your mouth, and running into the sink. 20. A greenish jacket will surely match the trousers well. 21. My face had a greenish pallor. 22. Sarcasticmistery: so they are blueish greenish. 23. European freshwater food fish having a greenish back. 24. South American shrub having edible greenish plumlike fruit. 25. The gas-jet projecting from the wall above the fireplace filled the room with a greenish glow. 26. One unkempt mound bore a glass with a Harp Lager insignia, filled with greenish water. 27. On the lower branch of a hazel tree, a greenish bird with a very white belly was singing vigorously. 28. Andrew Caddick was probably only reprieved by overnight rain which gave the pitch an early greenish tinge. 29. Although this theoretically results in black, the inaccuracies in the ink pigments tend to result in a greenish black. 30. It was nearly dark outside but the dashboard lights cast a faint greenish glow.