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31. The article at being useful in digging, protection, inheriting and development of the excellent paper - cut culture. 32. Though Archaic Weapon came into being ancientry, but it includes inheriting value, developing value and innovating value. 33. Indeed, for many people, the idea of inheriting cultural legacy has never occurred to them. 34. John Wain, Graham Swift and Julian Barnes are all important figures in inheriting and developing that tradition. 35. The resolution of course problem leads to an gradual , inheriting, reforming process, it is endless. 36. Nothing can clear Mr. Collins from the guilt of inheriting Longbourn. 37. The guilt for Lennon's death was therefore collective, and Prince's cry expressed some irrational, but very essential truth about the world that Generation X felt itself inheriting. 38. New classicalism. Inheriting the sole of classic, but taking on a new look of modern structure. 39. The Chinese traditional culture has been losing its vitality during spreading and inheriting process. 40. Poor Byron. What terrible fuckin'luck. Imagine inheriting thirty five thousand dollars. 41. This privileged, one - child generation has high disposable income through work or inheriting all their parents'assets. 42. Besides on the basis of inheriting the outcome of former research , the thesis mainly study and summarize a mistiness system. make it the basic mind and method. 43. Inspired from modular programming, we proposed a module based evolutionary programming of ANNs, which puts emphasis on inheriting from the learned networks of small scale problem. 44. And bring forward a new method basic on inheriting the reasonable element of these viewpoints. 45. In this process, the teachers played the vital role in disseminating civilization and inheriting culture. 46. And unless you got the money by inheriting it or winning a lottery, you've already been thoroughly trained that self-indulgence leads to trouble. Investing bypasses those alarms. 47. After ejection, the mold temperatures, inheriting from the last cycle, were saved and used as the initial and boundary conditions for next cycle simulation. 48. The Frankfort School was a Western academic school inheriting the critical tradition including Marxism. 49. Saussure s structural linguistics theory is based on inheriting and criticizing historical comparative linguistics, and is mainly embodied in his youth. 50. This method can compete mastered knowledge inheriting by selection operation to former rules, can perform rules mutation operation by resemble degree computation. 51. Inheriting adequately the ancient oriental military and governing thoughts, expediential philosophy bases itself on materialism as well as all the classic dialectic thoughts. 52. Pope purport: Inheriting the dunhuang art mural painting, use for their generation cultural heritage. 53. The existing problems are pointed out and new cognition about the presupposition of climactic compound sentence is presented on the basis of summarizing and inheriting the former research. 54. "It certainly is a most iniquitous affair," said Mr. Bennet, "and nothing can clear Mr. Collins from the guilt of inheriting Longbourn. 55. He is today a baronet inheriting his father's title and multimillionaire living in Spain. 56. Based on inheriting national folk traditional crafts, it develops its originally possessed items with creativeness.