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(61) Brennan points out that Westminster Cathedral contains far more bodies than Newgrange, from a much shorter period of use. (62) An on-stage instrumental ensemble is conducted by Westminster Abbey's Harry Bicket. (63) The greatest continuity of ownership was in the Rothermere Associated Newspapers combine and the smaller and narrower Pearson/Westminster group. (64) It was alleged that the shares were deposited at National Westminster Bank and used to secure loans for the Maxwell companies. (65) He left Westminster to raise a cavalry regiment for the king. (66) National Westminster Bank has been fined $ 1.12m for breaching regulations on the sale of insurance and investments. (67) At least 16 students were injured after mounted police cleared Westminster Bridge, the report says. (68) The path least likely to cause trouble appears to be the continuation of direct rule from Westminster. (69) McEnroe loves the atmosphere at Westminster - he's a real political animal. (70) There is litter on the seats of the train I take to Westminster. (71) They are the ones who can look down on the competition from the grandstand near the finish on Westminster Bridge. (72) My hon. Friend the Member for Westminster, North also mentioned car crime in his short but excellent speech. (73) We will promote the development of multi-party systems through the new Westminster Foundation for Democracy. (74) Some or the political personalities saw it as a new political pressure point on the Westminster government. (75) For example this happened in 1972 when the Westminster Parliament reimposed direct rule in Northern Ireland. (76) A showroom was opened at the east end of Westminster bridge. (77) Meanwhile, Westminster Press and Associated slightly enlarged their chains, partly, as with Thomson, by new launches. (78) The special conditions at Westminster are one part of the explanation of the relatively free rein given to counter-insurgency and covert activity. (79) We, like our growing number of thinking Ulsterfolk, envisage no future under Westminster dictatorship. (80) It is being discussed on the diplomatic circuit and it will no doubt bubble up at Westminster. (81) Almost certainly under Westminster pressure, O'Neill announced the Cameron Commission to investigate the causes of the disturbances. (82) But drinkers will get off reasonably lightly, according to reliable Westminster sources. (83) But nobody at Westminster in recent days has failed to notice Messrs Clarke and Heseltine looking very pleased with themselves. (84) Joe reappeared, a copy of the late edition of the Westminster Gazette in his hand. (85) Party chairman Sir Norman Fowler is also said to be considering renting out part of the building in Westminster. (86) Typically, deaths in well-heeled Hampstead or Westminster were far fewer than in the hovels of Rotherhithe and the stews of Islington. (87) Today, his company, Ian Greer Associates, dominates the Westminster lobbying industry. (88) The organisation finances a full-time staff of about 20 with offices in Westminster, Preston and Glasgow. (89) Britain's National Westminster, by contrast, paid 2.4 times book value for its ill-fated venture into New Jersey. (90) With her attempt to establish a company at the Imperial Theatre, Westminster, having failed, Lillie resumed touring.