快好知 kuaihz

241. Figure 11 - 13 : An example of a logical mapping problem. 242. Figure 7 shows the mapping between SA Entity Relationship and EAML. 243. In the paper, the geological mapping utilizing SPOT image is presented, and lineament pattern and its relationship with subsurface gas-bearing structure is discussed. 244. Figure 12 shows a mapping using the Business Object Map editor. 245. It creates 2 descriptions by phase mapping and pixel interleaving. 246. For the randomness of classical GA which appears in calculation process, the contraction mapping GA is applied to make the calculation asymptotically convergent. 247. The other method for creating a dict container directly is to provide the key-to-data value mapping directly. 248. This process can occur when a memory location is requested whose page is not in memory (no mapping is present in the memory management unit [MMU]). 249. The thesis uses 0 - 1 integer linear programming to construct algorithm - hardware mapping models. 250. But this approach performs multiple reformulations on behalf, only when mapping path breakage occurs, resulting in the delayed response time. 251. Though the current type mapping listings are elaborate, they are not extensive enough to support all the requirements of the data types. 252. Moving towards higher abstraction levels and languages, that mapping becomes one-to-many; the number of machine instructions generated from a design level construct rapidly increases. 253. According to the mapping principle of stereographic projection, the combinatorial relationships of line and plane can be solved by use of mathematic analysis. 254. An AFLP and RAPD genetic map with 352 markers was employed in mapping and analysis QTL controlling heat tolerance in Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis , using composite interval mapping method. 255. There is no mapping for an End node; they are ignored when exporting. 256. And if it was, how did analogical mapping influence the learning achievement? 257. The mapping documents can be obtained through analyzing the source structure documents, the object construction documents and the user-defined translation rule documents. 257.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 258. Moreover, this paper discussed the process of mapping, breviary map and shortcut algorithm. 259. The traditional geological mapping measure is behind hand, inefficient and with single productions, which is unappeasable for national economy. 260. A continuous mapping on a sequential compact set that can be continuously extended to the boundary has the same properties as on a compact set. 261. An improved unwrapping processing method is brought forward based on forward mapping and the imaging feature of hyperboloidal catadioptric panoramic vision system. 262. The functional data was processed with software statistical parameter mapping 2 (SPM2). After at test to the region of interest (ROI) activated respectively by the three kinds of stimulation pictures. 263. This thesis also analysis the coordinate mapping from virtual sculpting to realmachining based on the Human Computer Interactive input way of electromagnetictracing. 264. Object relational mapping refers to the technique of mapping the data representation from an object model to a relational data model with a SQL-based schema. 265. Subsequent discoverjes were made by geological mapping and low - level airborne radiometric surveys. 266. Now the NFS server detects that the request is from the foreign domain and consults the EIM server for the foreign identity mapping information. 267. The enhancements as part of IBM Database Add-ins for Visual Studio 2005 V9.5 provide an easy way to create and register annotated XML schema using a simple mapping designer. 268. The methods oft test, composite interval mapping and multiple trait composite interval mapping were used to map genes(QTLs) underlying resistance to BLS. 269. I'll exploit this natural mapping in my implementation of filter(BufferedImage src, BufferedImage dest). 270. It was taken by the DC - 8's downward - looking Digital Mapping System camera.