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31. While the microsome cytochrome P450dependent drug metabolic enzyme (MCP450)in liver is organism's defense system to lipid foreign body. 32. Objective To investigate the influence of dodder on the activities of cytochrome P450(CYP450) system:CYP1A2, CYP2D6, and CYP3A4 in rat liver microsome. 33. Cytochrome P 450 enzymes are very important for metabolism function in body. 34. After the cytochrome B gene of chondriosome was determined, the distance of molecular heredity is 3.0%, showing they may be independent species. 35. In this case, the reduction of cytochrome c and ferricyanide but not the reduction of DCPIP was inhibited by aged haematin. 36. MethodsTo summarize related literature about Chinese herbal medicine on CYP3A4 isoform of cytochrome P450 system in recent years at home and abroad. 37. Mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I(COI) fragments of Sparus macrocephalus and Sparus latus were amplified using universal primers. 38. Cytochrome P 450 ( CYP 450 ) plays an important role in the cause and therapy of tumors. 39. The effects of deltamethrin on hepatic microsomal aniline hydroxylase activity and cytochrome P-450 content in male rats were studied. 40. Objective:To investigate the effects of the ethyl acetate extract of Semen Hoveniae capsule on liver microsomal cytochrome P450 system in rats. 41. Azole and triazole drugs are cytochrome P 450 inhibitors widely used as fungal antibiotics and antimycobacterial actiity. 42. Cytochrome P 450 3 A 4 enzyme metabolism of the major role in this. 43. Methods: The cell - free system was prepared by ultracentrifugation of Xenopus eggs and activated by cytochrome C. 44. Objective:To study the effects of trans-resveratrol and trans-piceid on liver weight, contents of microsomal protein and cytochrome P450. 45. Map-based cloning of BER15 demonstrated BER15 encodes a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase which acts as a key enzyme in brassinolide synthesis. 46. Cytochrome P 450 enzyme are an important enzyme family in drug metabolism. 47. The effect of florfenicol(FFC) on the activity of cytochrome P450 2E1 in Carassius auratus was evaluated by pharmacokinetics using chlorzoxazone(CZX) as a specific substrate. 48. OBJECTIVE To determine the inhibitory effect of rutaecarpine(WZY)on cytochrome P450s in human liver microsome. 49. One relied on the DNA sequence of a gene called cytochrome oxidase. 50. Azole and triazole drugs are cytochrome P450 inhibitors widely used as fungal antibiotics and possessing potent antimycobacterial actiity. 51. Results: After oxygen stress, the cytochrome oxidase ( CCO ) activity and MMP in mitochondria significantly decreased.