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solar radiation造句
1 The ozone layer absorbs solar radiation. 2 How can solar radiation be directly trapped and used? 3 Read in studio Scientists monitoring the level of solar radiation have warned people not to sunbathe without protection for more than forty minutes. 4 Yet the solar radiation from the sun, then a faint, young star, was approximately 30 percent less. 5 Black carbon absorbs solar radiation, warming the atmosphere. 6 Does the troposphere and stratosphere absorb solar radiation? 7 For the solar radiation pressure reflectance, the T 3 model is introduced. 8 The reflectivity of land to solar radiation is much higher than that of ocean. 9 Rice leaf absorbs or reflects solar radiation during daytime, and countercheck the loss of heat during night time, thereby mitigating plant temperature fluctuation. 10 Slopes orientated differently receive direct solar radiation in different amounts. 11 This allows more solar radiation to penetrate the Earth's atmosphere, which promotes a climate forcing effect (more short wave radiation reaches the earth, warming land and sea-surface temps). 12 The solar radiation intensity of outside and inside greenhouse was simulated on the basis of experiment results. Heat transfer coefficient of greenhouse was simul... 13 The term "renewable energy" is applied, for example, to energy deriving from solar radiation. 14 They grow long tails as material streams away from their rocky cores driven by solar radiation. 15 Indeed, infra-red light is chiefly responsible for the general warming effect of solar radiation. 16 Capital cost is nearly £7 for every watt of electrical energy to be produced by solar radiation. 17 Crop yields would fall as a result of shorter growing periods, and reduced solar radiation due to heavier cloud cover. 18 But because ultraviolet radiation is a constant feature of solar radiation, the ozone layer is maintained. 19 Photovoltaics is a method of generating electrical power by converting solar radiation into direct current electricity using semiconductors that exhibit the photovoltaic effect. 20 The result showed that the light distribution in the canopy were obviously affected by the leaf area index (LAI), the structure of canopy, solar radiation and its apparent movement, etc. 21 Send a mission to Mercury and you risk frying it with solar radiation or wasting tremendous amounts of fuel to correct against the influence of solar gravity. 22 A unit equal to one gram calorie per square centimeter of irradiated surface measure solar radiation. 23 If only 6 mm thick glass through 50% of the blue solar radiation, tinted, glass can reveal decalescence through 25% of the sunlight. 24 This system can be integrated with building and absorb the solar radiation. 25 Right before a star dies, it explodes into its red giant phase, rapidly ballooning in size and brightness, blasting planet-warming solar radiation far and wide. 26 Calculation of winter ventilation for a layer house is quite complicated when the solar radiation, infiltration and moisture control are considered. 27 This test is conducted to determine the effects of solar radiation on equipment that may be exposed to sunshine during operation or unsheltered storage. 28 The technologies are studied carefully for such environmental parameters as temperature, solar radiation and gust spectrum. 29 These events are associated with changes in ocean circulation, solar radiation and volcanism. 30 The space optical remote sensor is influenced by the solar radiation, albedo, earth emitted infrared and other heat sources as flying in the heat dreariness astrospace.