快好知 kuaihz

1. Her shriek was dulled by the loud crash of thunder. 2. Living alone in the country had dulled his wits. 3. Her cry for help dulled. 4. His eyes dulled and he slumped to the ground. 5. His eyes dulled a little. 6. The smell from the garbage dulled her appetite. 7. Time had dulled the edge of his grief. 8. The constant rain dulled all sound. 9. Her fear and anxiety dulled her mind. 10. He felt dulled and stupid with sleep. 11. Her eyes dulled and she gazed blankly. 12. The hard bone has dulled up the knife blade. 13. His eyes and ears dulled by age. 14. The noise of hammering was dulled by the secondary glazing. 15. The colour of the red flag has been dulled by age. 16. His senses dulled as the drug swept through his body. 17. Share prices and trading have been dulled by worries over the war. 18. Could it be that Albert's eyes dulled a little? 19. Finally, the sweetness of the moment dulled the pain of knowing I had just placed my most cherished customer in jeopardy. 20. After a long flight your perceptions are dulled, and everything is synthetic. 21. By then, time and sadness had dulled the need for any new discoveries about the past. 22. This dulled incentive to enhance productivity is a cost of integration that must be borne in mind when amalgamation is contemplated. 23. The floor-covering near the doors was dulled with damp, like the bloom on a plum. 24. She felt now a dulled sense of degradation: she felt depraved and diminished and shrunken and old. 25. My moral sense has been dulled by too many years here. 26. The adenoidal whine of their accents dulled her hearing, and the smoke of their cigarettes made her eyes smart. 27. It was sunny two hours ago,but now the sky has dulled over. 28. The blood in my veins ran high and my usually sharp wits dulled. 29. But those wines give only momentary pleasure and thereafter the senses are dulled and the mind is clouded. 30. Luckily, this strict policy began when the world economy was buoyant, so that its early painful effects were dulled.