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kettle of fish造句
1 That was indeed a pretty kettle of fish. 2 The Schaubu hne is a different kettle of fish. 3 Miss Braithwaite was clearly a different kettle of fish from the other Deaconess he'd met, Miss Tilley. 4 A very nice kettle of fish, thought the pleased rector. 5 Tonally the Atlantis is a different kettle of fish from any Rick I've ever played before. 6 It was a real kettle of fish and no mistake. 7 The other envelope, however, was a different kettle of fish. 8 However, the essays are a different kettle of fish. 9 That's a different kettle of fish. 10 The Antarctic, however,[www.] is a different kettle of fish. 11 Booth : Well , he's a whole other kettle of fish . I'll tell you that . He's just annoying. 12 Your brother is a very different kettle of fish from you. 13 This is a pretty kettle of fish; how are we going to explain what happened? 14 If the boss finds your desk a pretty kettle of fish again, you'll get sacked. 15 The new proposal is quite a different kettle of fish from the last one. 16 A nice kettle of fish left by the lovely Texas cowboy for his successor. 17 Your son is a very different kettle of fish from you. 18 She's not nervous about speaking to a lot of people, but speaking to a TV camera is a different kettle of fish. 19 Having knowledge is one thing but being able to communicate it to others is another kettle of fish. 20 Playing for the reserve team is a totally different kettle of fish. 21 She enjoys public speaking but being on TV is a different kettle of fish. 22 Harvey, with his public school accent and laid-back manner, was a different kettle of fish. 23 But the wilful destruction of young lives was a different kettle of fish altogether. 24 For machines with pots of memory and using Windows, though, RAMdrive is a different kettle of fish. 25 Whether or not he would ever admit it was a different kettle of fish entirely. 26 It was soon clear that this was an entirely different kettle of fish. 27 The new office, which we've just moved into , is a rather different kettle of fish. 28 In a word, as Steiner put it, it was all a very funny kettle of fish.