快好知 kuaihz

high blood pressure造句
1. His lifestyle predisposed him to high blood pressure. 2. High blood pressure increases with age. 3. He's on medication for high blood pressure. 4. He suffers from high blood pressure. 5. High blood pressure is a killer. 5. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 6. People with high blood pressure are especially vulnerable to diabetes. 7. High blood pressure is a strong predictor of heart attacks. 8. High blood pressure is a common accompaniment to this disease. 9. High blood pressure imposes an extra load on the heart. 10. High blood pressure can cause degeneration of the heart muscles. 11. Prime Minister Pavlov had been taken ill with high blood pressure. 12. In the long term , alcohol causes high blood pressure. 13. Salt can induce high blood pressure in some people. 14. Steen suffers from chronic high blood pressure. 15. She suffers from high blood pressure and dizzy spells. 16. Paul has extremely high blood pressure. 17. She had very high blood pressure, and was given two epidurals that didn't work. 18. But high blood pressure makes the heart work harder resulting in heart disease. 19. The diet worked especially well for those with high blood pressure, producing reductions similar to those from single-drug therapy. 20. If a doctor treats a patient with high blood pressure he records blood pressure levels before, during and after treatment. 21. High blood pressure means the heart is straining to pump blood. 22. The Northridge man has a family background of high blood pressure and strokes. 23. When he was rejected because of high blood pressure, he helped organize a Boston center for GIs. 24. It was observed that 40 percent of patients had high blood pressure. 25. My husband has to take several pills to counteract high blood pressure. 26. Being even moderately overweight increases your risk of developing high blood pressure. 27. Among blacks in general, the risk of death from both stroke and high blood pressure remain significantly higher than for whites. 28. Take the example of a very overweight woman with high blood pressure and angina whose cholesterol level is normal. 29. But his history of asthma and a problem with high blood pressure had kept him out. 30. Garlic, for instance, can raise low blood pressure and lower high blood pressure.