快好知 kuaihz

1. The emphasis here is on developing the front deltoid - excellent for martial artists. 2. Incredible deltoids, biceps, buttocks, and thighs outlined and simultaneously gripped by the tight cut of his sailor suit. 3. In almost all cases the anterior deltoid is the most developed and the posterior the least developed. 4. Construct two mutually orthogonal tangents of the deltoid. Where do they meet? 5. In France biopsies are performed in the deltoid muscle whereas in most other countries biopsies are not taken from that muscle. 6. MMF has been mainly detected by deltoid muscle biopsy in adult patients, although it has also been detected by quadriceps muscle biopsy in 3 young children. 7. The deltoid muscle is small in infants and young children. 8. Construct an animation of the deltoid sliding on two mutually perpendicular lines. 9. Stage I. Rupture of deltoid ligament or avulsion of medial malleolus. 10. Mainly involved were muscles of trapezium, deltoid and brachioradialis but biceps was relatively less. 11. Construct rotating cardioid and deltoid while remaining orthogonal to each other. 12. Construct an animation displaying the deltoid sliding inside a fixed nephroid. 13. He was found to have an anterior deltoid compartment syndrome and was treated with emergency fasciotomy with no adverse sequelae. 14. Construct the part of the tangent of the deltoid intercepted by the curve. 15. Methods The structure of deltoid arch wire fixed appliance is consist of deltoid arch wire and bracket with deltoid colpus. It is used to control the tooth's moving. 16. A modified Judet approach was used in all patients. The posterior deltoid was incised off the scapular spine cephalad reaching the lateral scapular border. 17. An all-around athlete in Alpine skiing, Lasse Kjus won five medals in three different events at four Olympics. In 1991 Kjus crashed during training, tearing the nerve to his left deltoid muscle. 18. Monthly maintenance doses can be administered in either the deltoid or gluteal muscle. 19. Generally, the tarsal canal artery was somewhat smaller than the deltoid branch and the tarsal sinus artery. 20. The onset latencies of the antagonist trunk muscles relative to the deltoid muscle were analyzed to determine the effects of group, target height and load. 20.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 21. She received further injection of MTrPs in the right shoulder girdle muscles including deltoid, supraspinatus, infraspinatus and teres minor muscles. 22. It has been suggested that there might be a predisposed subset of individuals with impaired ability to clear aluminium from the deltoid muscle. 23. Incision of the epimysium was not required to lower the anterior deltoid compartment pressure, which is often necessary and unique to the deltoid. 24. A plausible possibility is the existence of a predisposed subset of individuals with impaired ability to clear aluminium from the deltoid muscle. 25. Expose the medial malleolus by reflecting the periosteum but preserve the deltoid ligament. 26. No medial fixation was used in the patients with a deltoid ligament injury. 27. Elbow tucked in close to body to avoid irritation of the rotator and deltoid muscles. 28. Objective : To provide anatomic basis for clavicular flap pedicled with anterior bundle of deltoid muscle ( ADM ) . 29. It may have a wide range of shoulder tenderness and spread to neck and elbows, but also shows different degrees of deltoid muscle atrophy. 30. Background: Seeral authors hae defined a variety of so - called safe zones for deltoid - splitting incisions.