快好知 kuaihz

1 It is unmoral to take advantage of the deformities. 2 That unmoral behaviour has hurt her reputation. 3 Imagination is, of its very nature, unmoral. 4 Most scientists believe their research to be unmoral, no matter what the results will be. 5 But, most of entrepreneurs in our country are unmoral, their unceasing scandals make enterprise be confronted with crisis of credit, confusion of social economy order and corrupt of moral fashion. 6 Even many public persons' behaviors are unmoral , they give our society bad examples and to reduce the effects of school education. 7 It is said true love exists only among women. Convince yourself of this with Female Lovers and accompany curious and unmoral couples on their first innocent lesbian experiences. 8 In spite of the blaming words that have been heaped upon Machiavelli for his unmoral teachings, he remains a significant figure in the history of political theory. 9 Is the education itself boosting the teacher more and more excellence, or making the progress of specialty ethics can't overstep some impediment by some crude systems and unmoral methods? 10 According to work practice of copper raw materials inspection and the research, analyze, summarize on unmoral raw material in recent years. 11 After the first blush of sin comes its indifference; and from immoral it becomes, as it were, unmoral, and not quite unnecessary to that life which we have made.