快好知 kuaihz

31. He commands $ 15, 000 or more just for lecturing about his innovative way of thinking. 32. She also worked for women's suffrage and employment, writing and lecturing on these and other contemporary subjects. 33. He was constantly interfering in her life, lecturing her, ordering her about. 34. The guide was lecturing telepathically, simply standing there, sending out thought waves to the crowd. 35. Caldwell says she will continue lecturing as long as people want to listen. 36. He's given up his lecturing job, but he does have private means. 37. Mr. Pocked was out lecturing. 38. I found his style of lecturing soporific. 39. What are your comments on further improvement of lecturing? 40. Don't digress ( from the subject ) when lecturing. 41. Warnings are often forgotten, and lecturing seldom gets through. 42. I divide my time teaching, writing and lecturing. 43. At what point does a person endlessly lecturing someone make him a jerk? 44. 1956 and onward: Fellowships and O. Henry Awards and lecturing invitations and grants (including $8, 000 from the Ford Foundation). 45. This paper analyses the inner relation between He Xinyin's lecturing and Zhang Juzheng's forbiddance of it. 46. Ear plugs: Lecturing and threatening may only motivate your child short - term . 47. Lecturing week after week, as part of the pedagogic routine, is more of a test than people realise. 48. The teacher asked the class to give ear to what the speaker was lecturing. 49. Karl Barth was lecturing to a group of students at Princeton. 50. He tried lecturing in California again with great success in the style of zany inconsequence. 51. There was great excitement the year I started lecturing in the philosophy department. 52. About this time they would hear Dairyman Crick's voice, lecturing the non-resident milkers for arriving late, and speaking sharply to old Deborah Fyander for not washing her hands. 53. To spread the truth of these visionary teachings, she sojourned alone, lecturing, singing gospel songs, and preaching abolitionism through many states over three decades. 54. The components of the course include three parts: lecturing in class, experiment in laboratory and practice in field. Chinese-English is mainly bilingually adopted in the lecturing part. 55. In the last couple of years, he has been lecturing about GAMP and the new paradigm of pharmaceutical manufacturing with use of Quality by Design worldwide. 56. On Route 11 north of Tuscaloosa, Ala., last April, a pickup truck pulled up next to Greta Browne, and a young man began lecturing her about global warming. 57. Liu Yanping , a post - doctorial, lecturing at GDPZ on Sep . 25, 2007. 58. It is no use lecturing the Chinese to consume more. 59. He tried lecturing in California, again with great success, in the Ward style of zany inconsequence. 60. Lecturing, case study, group discussion, role playing, games, questionnaire test, exercise.