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facial expression造句
(1) Victor's facial expression didn't change. (2) Cross didn't answer; his facial expression didn't change. (3) In the photograph he seemed devoid of facial expression . (4) Each of the statues has a different facial expression. (5) Whatever the style, congregations show few inhibitions in facial expression and in their use of the body to express devotion. (6) Let your body language, eye contact and facial expression show involvement and receptivity. (7) Hector gave that up and went to my facial expression, which was bland in the extreme. (8) His facial expression looks very serious. (9) B : What was her facial expression? (10) To feel: The cadence and facial expression on line. (11) Facial expression is a sign of emotion. (12) Each warrior has different facial expression and manner. (13) Try to keep your facial expression open and sincere. (14) Is the facial expression friendly or unfriendly? (15) There was hurt in her facial expression. (16) Do adopt expectant, hopeful , even slightly anxious facial expression. (17) A friendly look with the wrong facial expression can turn into an unfriendly stare, and nervousness may be wrongly understood as unfriendliness. (18) The camera panned in for a better view of the actress' facial expression. (19) The nine dancers, when the lighting illuminates their visages, seem to manifest no facial expression. (20) The right temporal lobe is particularly interested in the emotional content of the facial expression. (21) They compared the performance of two patients on a lip-reading task and on a task which required analysis of facial expression. (22) Whereupon, and still looking up at Papa, I felt my facial expression beginning to change. (23) Neither man had time to conceal or alter his facial expression, and Rostov was struck by the disparity. (24) At last, the multi-view PERI method is presented, which can generate realistic facial expression in different viewpoints 5) Animation data are absolutely necessary in an animation system. (25) Each time we use a facial muscle, a groove forms beneath the surface of the skin, which is why we see lines form with each facial expression. (26) The two studies examined whether the asymmetry search of facial expression is based on configurational features. (27) Bnthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected in facial expression _ r _ rs. (28) Musical emotion is performed by the musical style, manner, facial expression, language exaggeration of the singer. (29) Dulcify and can't be pure to comprehend to a kind of facial expression in fact, because that is a kind of mind pleasant sensation to undulate really. (30) When you had impression of a lily-white , you can allow facial expression above cheer caper.