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1. Multibit ECC errors were detected on the RAID controller. 2. But building a security fast ECC is complex. 3. The security of ECC is based on the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem ( ECDLP ). 4. This procedure has ECC Elliptic Curve encryption and decryption algorithm, you would like to help! 5. Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem(ECC) is a kind of public-key cryptosystem based on algebraic curve. 6. So ECC memory is only required in mission - critical workstations and in servers. 7. The rapid implementation of the ECC hardware has been a popular topic. 8. RSA and ECC perhaps are the main public - key algorithms. 9. Elliptic curve cryptography ( ECC ) is an important subject in the field of public key cryptography. 10. The following are requests for comparisons of RSA ECC cryptography. 11. Memory errors that may include parity or Error Correction Code (ECC) problems. 12. Elliptic curve public-key cryptosystem(ECC)'s security is based on the intractability of the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem. 13. The pathogen of Amorphophallus soft rot disease is Erwinia carotovora subsp carotovora (Ecc). 14. The ECC and classical public key cryptogram system are compared. 15. A sector includes user data and overhead data, such as an Error Correction Code (ECC) that has been calculated from the user data of the sector. 16. Elliptic Curve Cryptography ( ECC ) standard complete source code, has been tested. 17. Uncorrectable Data: An ECC error in the data field could not be corrected (a media error or read instability). 18. Additionally, EMC EFDs safeguard data with full round-trip error correcting code (ECC) data integrity protection and destage power backup. 19. Ecc growsmost rapidly at 26℃, Eca at 21℃, while growth of Ech was similar in 3 temperatures. 20. The ECC controller transmits the data to a direct memory access (DMA) buffer for transfer to the host device, and to an ECC block for error detection and correction of the data. 21. The Polynomial - Basis Multiplier in the finite field is the key module to realizing ECC basic operations. 22. This paper proposes a novel group key agreement protocol MTKA - ECC based on a multi tier structure. 23. An arithmetic unit, which can perform all dual Galois fields' arithmetic operations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, squaring, inversion and division, is designed for the ECC. 24. A New Broadcasting Multi - Digital Signature Scheme based on ECC is presented. 25. You can detect the presence of back blocks from a failed flash operation (such as an Erase) or an invalid Write operation (discovered through an invalid Error Correction Code, or ECC). 26. Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is a rather complicated algorithm. It is difficult to design an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) to fully implement ECC. 27. Moreover, because the HECC based on smaller base field may have the same strength with ECC, it will have large application prospect in embedded systems. 28. Cardiotomy suction negative pressure was determined by vacuo meter during ECC. 29. The major work of this paper is the research of ECC over GF ( 2~ m ). 30. This paper gives a solution by using Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem ( ECC ) as the public key scheme.