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kung fu造句
(1) The first law of kung fu is to defend. (2) Kung fu and karate are martial arts. (3) The theater shows mainly kung fu movies and porn. (4) The kung fu master could be sleeping. (5) A kung fu suit should be loose-fitting, with buttons and a high collar. (6) He decides to study kung fu. (7) Do you know any kung fu? (8) Why are you so interested in writing Kung Fu? (9) His Chinese kung fu is peerless. (10) Be a Kung Fu master! Please join our courses. (11) Language is reflex, like Kung Fu fighting. (12) Included are listings for martial artists of Karate, Kung Fu, Aikido, Judo, Jiu Jitsu, Tae Kwon Do, Ninjutsu, Tai Chi, and many other styles. (13) His project portfolio includes games such as WET, Kung Fu Panda, Iron Man, Scooby Doo, Scaler and much more. (14) Kung Fu really kind, perfect to show a generation of kungfu master - the legendary Yip Man's life. (15) Yongxin, the abbot, says monks practice kung fu 'with an understanding of Zen Buddhism and love of the temple. (16) "Rabbit Man Legends" is full of imitation of "Kung Fu Panda" marks around the animated film "Cacalia Lord", the film shows the martial arts, kite, diabolo, drama, Da Lei, food and other customs. (17) He is well - versed in kung fu , and is of no ordinary talent. (18) "Kung Fu Panda 2's" promo campaign includes a Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade balloon that's traveling the country and a tofu tie-in. (19) It's normal for boys to want to learn kung fu. (20) Peerless Chinese Kung fu is a unique material culture heritage. (21) Any sudden inspiration in fact can not replace the long-term Kung fu. (22) Although many consider Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon to be foremost an excellent kung fu movie,the story depicts many forms of love,the most memorable of which is the poignant romance between the two star-crossed lovers played by Chow Yun fat and Michelle Yeoh. (23) It is the band's last self-released album on their own label Falafel Records before signing with Kung Fu Records in 2000. (24) The old French efforts to confirm an old Chinese phrase, " Kung Fu people live. " (25) Stonecutters Island army base in Hong Kong opens to the public once a year as a goodwill gesture. Displays include kung fu demonstrations and shows of knife-fighting skills. (26) Tourist buggies shuttle through the grounds and the monks disperse to sell incense to pilgrims and begin their half-hourly kung fu performances. (27) Bruce Lee began his lifelong interest in the Chinese system of self - defense called Kung Fu. (28) Bex : Are you waiting in line to see Kung Fu Hustle? (29) This session is less gymnastic and focuses on the first form of Shaolin Kung Fu. (30) Invariably his movies are clean-cut, without sex scenes or graphic violence--call it Kung Fu Disney ( DIS - news - people ) with Confucian characteristics.