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1. The read-only version of Image/SQL will ship before year-end, with the full version following in mid-1993. 2. SQL statement text is known at development time. 3. NET programming environment and SQL databasemanagement system features. 4. SQL stands for Structured Query Language. 5. J/SQL is currently implemented as a precompiler. 6. You should understand the concept of PL/SQL procedural language. 7. General offer to the SQL database support. 8. Specify connection and SQL command information. 9. SQL/DS is a full-function data base management system. 10. SQL is an ANSI standard computer language. 11. SQL statements are not case sensitive. 12. Then, you can use the XML To SQL wizard to unit test the XML document for validity before writing your code that will use the XMLToSQL run time library. 13. After we compose our SQL statement, all the other steps are the same as for any dynamic statement with parameter markers. 14. The wrong way to invoke SQL is to simply perform string concatenation (or interpolation) to create your SQL command using data that hasn't undergone extremely narrow screening. 15. Hint: You can also manually create an .sql file from your dynamic statement cache or using other preferred mechanisms. 16. Inspect the optimized SQL in the db2exfmt or Visual Explain output, as this is the basis for the planning decision of the relational data source push-down analysis and the query optimizer. 17. Database object schemas are a great addition to SQL Server and in many ways is more consistent with the original definition of a schema than its SQL Server 2000 counterpart. 18. Click Restart to stop and then restart the SQL server service. 19. In an SQL procedure, you can set the status to be returned to the calling program. 20. All data stored in SQL Server must be compatible with one of these base data types. 21. Get familiar with XML, brush up on your SQL, and come back next month for even more data binding power. 22. Offers complete flexibility by allow connectivity to any standard SQL Database. 23. The result is likely to be a language with a more complex semantic definition than that of a relational language such as SQL. 24. Check that the cache size is sufficiently large and that the cache hit ratio is high for each of the dynamic SQL statements being executed.http:// 25. You can use this feature to collect the new SQL to be merged into the existing capture file without running the application again in capture mode. 26. Parameterized stored procedures that validate all user input can be used to thwart SQL injection attacks. 27. To preview the packages before you bind them, go to the SQL tab of the pureQuery outline view and click on the potential package. 28. In April 2008, a U.S. state's Department of Corrections leaked sensitive data as a result of the SQL column names being used in the query string. 29. Clear Data Builder, which is an Eclipse Plugin that allows generating CRUD applications for BlazeDS or LCDS based on either an SQL statement or a Java data transfer object. 30. Isolation level is set at the session level using SET ISOLATION, set at the SQL statement level using the WITH clause or set at the database level using a Database Configuration parameter.