快好知 kuaihz

31. I lifted my visor to squeeze my nose. My gloves almost fused to it. 32. A simple visor with a sweat band, like a ? Headsweats visor, will keep both the sun and sweat out of your eyes when you're running. 33. Stopping during the day, he would spend a few minutes ' time to get around the sun visor on the two large Windows, and then on the four door glass is placed on the small sun visors. 34. The automobile sound, may dispose visor curtain or the transparent rain curtain, all - weather uses . 35. I had to stop at the traffic lights and put down the sun visor to shade my eyes from the light. 35. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 36. Part of the space station and the blue and white Earth are among the objects seen in his visor. Fellow spacewalker Steve Bowen, mission specialist, is out of frame. 37. The automobile sound, may dispose the visor curtain or the transparent rain curtain, all - weather uses. 38. The visor shall extend past the window a minimum of 300 mm. 39. This exceptionally comfortable motorcycle helmet has a wraparound visor and shock-absorbent rubber padding. 40. One soldier's visor stopped a piece of shrapnel that hit dead centre, " he said. "If he had not had that suit on, the effects could have been catastrophic. 41. Has attachment body: door locks, door hinges, glass lifts, a variety of seals, shutters wipers, washer shutters, sun visor, rearview mirror, handle, cigarette lighter, ash boxes. 42. Officers wear a service cap ( combination cap ) with a black visor and a red crown. 43. His visor was up; there were death in his smile. 44. Buy some rose petals and place them behind the sun visor on the pa55enger side of your car. 45. Q . Are you going to be wearing a cap or a visor this week? 46. I put down the sun visor to shade my eyes from the light. 47. A Car Visor Receipt Holder – Wrap a few rubber bands around your car's driver-side sun visor. 48. Buy some rose petals and place them behind the sun visor on the passenger side of your car. 49. As an example of the latter, imagine 4G-enabled helmets that can project a building infrastructure diagram onto a firefighter's visor to help them make their way through a smoke-filled building. 50. The sun visor (52) is implemented as light-transparent in a way which attenuates the incident light through the upper pane section (30). 51. You have a visor that blocks out light and music plays in the unit. 52. Mono - vein safety helmet with a long visor , usually for worksor middle - level leaders on constructions sites. 53. She had to wear a scarf under the sun visor because some of her hair was visible. 54. The cloth cap with visor was for decades the international standard for working men and Boys. 55. This invention is to make a mirror illuminator usable as an illuminator for the card holder or accessory case of a sun visor main body. 56. The window glass and the sun visor may be elevated with two driving units and two sets of guide rope or with only one driving unit. 57. They can be applied to the production of shuttles, sun visor, air-condition cover, etc. 58. Later at the same location, while having a morning tea break, Mary wearing a massive sun visor was told her head covering was inappropriate. 59. I forgot that my helmet's visor down, so when I spat, the gum stuck against it. 60. He met, in the narrow streets in the vicinity of the Boulevard des Invalides, a man dressed like a workingman and wearing a cap with a long visor, which allowed a glimpse of locks of very white hair.