快好知 kuaihz

1. The lake has skinned over. 2. The truck barely skinned through the gate. 3. The home team was skinned alive this afternoon. 4. The football team really skinned Watertown last year. 5. She skinned him of all his money. 6. Keep your eyes skinned for a campsite! 7. I skinned my elbow against the wall. 8. He skinned his knees when fell. 9. The hunters skinned the deer they had killed. 10. He skinned his knees climbing down the tree. 11. Add the tomatoes, skinned and sliced. 12. Huge catfish are skinned and dressed by hand. 13. She fell and skinned her knee. 14. You'll need four ripe tomatoes, skinned and chopped. 15. You will be skinned alive by your mother. 16. He skinned through last examination. 17. The boy skinned the banana. 18. Any amateur would be skinned alive competing against the world champion. 19. The wound skinned over. 20. Add four boned and skinned duck breasts. 21. Hadn't it seemed to glisten like a skinned tomato? 22. He was a big, fine-looking guy, dark skinned with black curly hair. 23. Her hands and face were skinned from the descent, the gravel sticking to the skin and stinging. 24. Using two forks, dip in the skinned hazelnuts, and stir until coated. 25. They skinned him and baked him; they cut up his body and gorged on his flesh in their villainous gluttony. 26. Some of you passed well, but most of you only skinned through the examination. 27. Lucie slipped the scarlet waistcoat off Gabriel's shoulders and skinned him of the white silk shirt.http:// 28. Although it wore a dress, the person was unrecognizable as the face had been skinned. 29. I gasped air and saw the bright crimson of my skinned knuckles. 30. You order at the counter, tempted by the golden skinned chickens turning on the rotisserie and the aroma of fresh pita.