快好知 kuaihz

1. The snow thawed in the sun. 2. The ice thawed in the sun. 3. The lake thawed in March. 4. A couple of sherries thawed out the guests. 5. Has the meat thawed out yet? 6. A cup of coffee thawed out the guest. 7. She thawed out by the fire. 8. Make sure the meat has thawed completely before cooking. 9. The sun came out and thawed the ice. 10. His shyness thawed under her kindness. 11. The sun thawed the ice and melted the snow. 12. The little girl's smile thawed the angry old man. 13. The frozen chicken thawed out half an hour later. 14. The ground has thawed out. 15. Her hospitality thawed out his aloof manner. 16. The sun at noon thawed the snow on the roof. 17. The negotiation thawed out the hostile relations between the two countries. 18. He thawed after sitting at a fire for a while. 19. Relations between the two countries thawed a little after the talks. 20. The girl thawed her frozen hands in front of the fire. 21. She thawed out the frozen meat in the microwave oven. 22. The food in the freezer had thawed during a power cut. 23. As the Cold War thawed, defense budgets shrank. 24. Thawed by the meal, we've eased back together. 25. Thawed meat is as perishable as fresh meat. 26. It thawed early last spring. 27. In the day they dripped steadily and almost thawed, and then from dusk to the following sunrise they were slowly reformed. 28. What if she thawed out and is planning to garrotte Matthew Kelly with one of his own sparkly waistcoats? 29. Empty the fridge, wipe it out, collect up thawed water from its freezer section and leave the door propped open. 30. The old nun was as imperious as ever , but visibly thawed when she saw the children.