快好知 kuaihz

(31) Further evidence of immune mediation has come from the finding of circulating, non-organ specific and organ specific antibodies. (32) Lawyers already are circulating a counterproposal for the November ballot just in case the current measures pass. (33) Though a draft directive has been circulating since 1984 it passed its final stages rapidly. (34) It seldom rings here, but sometimes the circulating nurse has to answer it and relay a quick question. (35) We are circulating the report to all primary schools so that primary school teachers can benefit from its advice. (36) The couple aim to promote greater understanding of meningitis by circulating information to health professionals and the public. (37) After death, a machine called a ventilator keeps the blood circulating until the organs are removed. (38) Alleged finds, discoveries and rumours have been circulating wildly ... but how much is fact and how much is hearsay? (39) Normally Paul would have been circulating with the best of them, oiling the wheels. (40) Effective control of this circulating capital is one of the most important functions of financial management. (41) He could just read the faded inscription painted above the window: Glynn's Circulating Library. (42) Amaranth was joined by Charles Harvey, who had accompanied her to the party and had been circulating among his colleagues. (43) The above studies have attempted to assess the presence of circulating platelet aggregates. (44) So the golden tripod kept on circulating until, on the seventh pass, it reappeared at Thales's own door! (45) Diogenes backed up his theory of the importance of air circulating through the body with some primitive human anatomy. (46) Coolant circulating through the reactor thermal energy and carries it away to where it can he safely used. (47) Circulating anticolon antibodies have been found in serum samples from patients with ulcerative colitis. (48) Rumours have been circulating that experts are bitterly divided over what to do. (49) We are now circulating petitions calling for a federal law to ban handguns. (50) There were also stories circulating that he had been the beneficiary of Marian apparitions. (51) Circulating glucose remains in the blood, leading to a rise in blood sugar. (52) Licensed hawkers were circulating, braying the merits of spiced sausages containing only real animal protein - so they claimed. (53) Finally, may I dispel a couple of nonsensical rumours that are currently circulating. (54) One rumour circulating recently was that the vast majority of the 250 job losses would be from Barlaston. (55) Enough statistics have been circulating about this venture to sink the Titanic. (56) In Najaf, Khomeini had begun a propaganda campaign against the Shah and his regime by circulating audio cassettes containing his pronouncements. (57) Conversely, circulating eosinophils have been shown to be negative, whereas they apparently may express L1 after extravasation into inflamed tissue. (58) Federal authorities said Thursday night they were concerned that more letter bombs could be circulating in the postal system. (59) Confusing stories are circulating along with rumours and half-truths as people, in their desperation, try to help find the murderers. (60) Spontaneous platelet aggregation Several studies have attempted to assess whether there is evidence of increased circulating platelet aggregates in diabetic subjects.