快好知 kuaihz

121 Papa seemed distracted, but he whirled her around the floor expertly. 122 An insurance agent beat out 122 others to win Florida's annual "Papa" Hemingway Look-Alike Contest. 123 Mamy and papa said that this is a real De Ranter , cause all the De Ranter men sneeze in the sun in the sun, and three times in a row! 124 Zillah is constantly gadding off to Gimmerton since papa went. 125 Papa had been quietly simmering over the situation for years. 126 The original recipe called for white rum, sugar and lime juice, but my favorite recipe is from the Floridita Bar in Havana called the Papa Doble: See the Hemingway Daiquiri. 127 Your papa invited Mr. Rokesmith to partake of our lowly fare. 128 With the Reformation, the new branch of Christianity (Protestantism or Lutheranism), was separated from the international Catholic community and the papa in Rome. 129 Dun want la, papa always play with his notebook and never help mummy clean the house.