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(1) You can read the story of Noah in the Bible. (2) Noah was jingling his keys in his pocket. (3) Noah himself is beyond reproach, it is true. (4) Noah threw a stone high into the air and it plopped into the river. (5) Noah was considered something of a blowhard, even by his friends. (6) Noah Plunkett was as calm as though they were discussing the state of the weather. (7) Noah stood six inches high, with a white beard to his knees and wading boots of real rubber. (8) Noah said everything - including the attack on her - has been brought about by her departure from Romany ways. (9) Noah Claypole was given a free pardon for telling the police about Fagin. (10) Like Noah in his ark, they had traveled across the vast oceanic flood to carry out their holy mission. (11) But in the world inhabited by Noah Cross, truth does not so easily yield to surveillance. (12) Noah Plunkett and his family have come out against it. (13) Ham dishonours his drunken father, and Noah curses him through his descendants. (14) Had Kizzy been flaunting herself before Noah? (15) Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth. (16) Would you ask Noah Webster to play Bole? (17) Is he Noah or are we King Canute? (18) Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes? (19) Noah Townsend did step down as chief of medicine. (20) Noah taught in Glastonbury, Hartford and West Hartford. (21) In other words, Noah is an atmospheric control system! (22) And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. (23) Noah , Shem, Ham, and Japheth. (24) The sons of Noah : Shem, Ham and Japheth. (25) Have you ever heard of Noah Webster? (26) Why did not Noah swat those two mosquitoes? (27) In 1828 Noah Webster published the first American dictionary. (28) After Noah's flood, God told Noah, it is said in the Bible, that the Earth will be destroyed by fire next time it is destroyed. (29) Would you ask noah webster to play boggle ?Would you ask jacques cousteau to play go fish? (30) Through him the Merovingians can thus claim to be descended from Noah.