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1, The daffodil belongs to the genus narcissus. 2, The daffodil belongs to the genus Narcissus. 3, In Greek mythology, Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection in a pool of water. 4, This was not the only story about the narcissus. 5, Narcissus was the richest man of his day. 6, Alek brought her a cluster of early narcissus and she wore a short white gown with a grass-blade pattern. 7, Once Narcissus had fallen under the spell of Aphrodite he was lost. 8, Among flowers and trees he should admire the narcissus, the violet and the orange. 9, Narcissus was a young man who spurned the nymph Echo and became enamoured of his own reflection. 10, They stole my narcissus bulbs that I had been so carefully forcing to bloom in January. 11, And my narcissus bulbs were artistically arranged in a kind of serpentine wall around the whole thing. 12, With its skirt-shaped cups and narrow petals, this narcissus is known as the hoop petticoat daffodil. 13, The narcissus is one of two plants around which the story revolves. 14, She was like a narcissus trembling in the wind. 15, Narcissus looks a bit like garlic. 16, Echo saw Narcissus, a handsome young man. 17, Narcissus is amphiphyte, and easy to plant. 18, The myth of Narcissus is described in Ovid's work. 19, The Narcissus ran on board of her. 20, This narcissus has already withered due to careless attention. 21, Narcissus fell in love with himself. 22, The problem was that Narcissus was immune to love. 23, This flower is the first narcissus. 24, Where it had lain there was blooming a new and lovely flower, and they called it by his name, Narcissus. 25, It wasn't only humans who were bowled over by Narcissus. 26, My house feels solid and safe and orderly; hyacinths and narcissus bloom indoors here even in the dead of winter. 27, Fair-haired wispy girl. Full mouth, high neck, blue-eyed flower girl, his slender pale narcissus. 28, Full mouth, high neck, blue-eyed flower girl, his slender pale narcissus. 29, I never seen, or noticed, or being introduced to, a real Narcissus. 30, In addition, this study also showed that the Gimesa C_banding technique could be used as an effective method for cytogenetical research on the origin and evolution of the genus of Narcissus.