快好知 kuaihz

1. The previously unidentified objects have now been definitely ascertained as being satellites. 2. I ascertained that the driver was not badly hurt. 3. I ascertained that she was dead. 4. Once they had ascertained that he was not a spy, they agreed to release him. 5. It should be ascertained that the plans comply with the law. 6. It must be ascertained if the land is still owned by the government. 7. Police had ascertained that the dead man knew his killer. 8. This error can be ascertained from the aircraft manual. 9. So I had ascertained from newspapers. 10. Buyer behaviour must, therefore, be ascertained beforehand. 11. I ascertained that the aim was to achieve some ideal unity of the two. 12. Cases were ascertained from multiple sources, and it is doubtful that any were missed, although we can not be certain. 13. This direction, namely x, could then be ascertained by a macroscopic measurement. 14. In the case of other stocks, cost is ascertained by reference to purchase price plus duty where appropriate. 15. What must be ascertained is the intention that a reasonable person would have had if placed in the situation of the parties. 16. Observation statements can be ascertained by any observer by normal use of the senses. 17. But no; they ascertained that the smell was coming from their clothes. 18. As far as can be ascertained this happened near to the position of the guide pulley sited on the lower embankment. 19. The pathologist ascertained that the victim had died from a gunshot wound. 20. Usually, auspicious times for Hindu weddings are ascertained by Brahmin priests who are paid to consult the stars. 21. From 1984 onwards cases have been ascertained directly from hospitals throughout the Northern region. 22. He had previously ascertained that there were at least two aircraft with similar radio fits and noted their positions. 23. We ascertained deaths and dates of death of study participants from hospital clinical records or through interviews of relatives during home visits. 24. The room numbers are ascertained by using the alphabetical guest list. 25. The simplest inquiry by the hon. Gentleman would have ascertained that fact. 26. Above all, the child's wishes and feelings must be ascertained and taken into account in all decisions that are made. 27. To sum up, damp walls are not disastrous structurally, but the cause must be ascertained and the condition rectified. 28. He has given you a cost breakdown as follows: You have also ascertained that: 1. 29. In consideration of any theft claim, it must be ascertained that the clauses have been complied with in every respect. 30. Instead steps have been taken to ensure that the classes and their rights can be ascertained from the company's public documents.