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31, Now the flaps were fully retracted. 32, He retracted his earlier statements about his beliefs. 33, The cat retracted his claws. 34, The two front jacks operate as a pair, and self - equalize when extended or retracted. 35, During right LPN, the liver is retracted anteriorly and cephalad to expose the renal upper pole. 36, When the moving heads of the disc drive are retracted, the disc pack can be removed and stored. 37, The aircraft's undercarriage retracted as it climbed into the air. 38, The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve that penetrates the deep fascia just below the anterior superior iliac spine is identified and retracted medially along with the sartorius muscle. 39, The scientists who made this assertion have since retracted their claim. 40, The fracture fragment is often retracted inferomedially because of the action of the subscapularis muscle. 41, The left iliac artery and the distal abdominal aorta were retracted to the right side at the L4–L5 disc level by a measuring retractor to which a strain gauge was attached. 42, Those with halfway retracted and completely retracted phantoms had different responses. 43, The main reason the Tsarist government retracted their ban was out of fear that receiving a Western European education would further radicalize women if they could not receive the education at home. 44, During right LPN, the lier is retracted anteriorly and cephalad to expose the renal upper pole. 45, Paraphimosis occurs when the foreskin can't be returned to its normal position after being retracted. 46, He always promises Eric the earth, and then retracted his promises. 47, The thecal sac and nerve root are then gently retracted and protected with a nerve retractor . 48, The Lakers took that as a slap in the face and retracted their offer. 49, The iliopsoas is also separated from the capsule by blunt dissection and retracted medially. 50, The mucosa and prevertebral muscles are elevated as a single mucoperiosteal layer using subperiosteal dissection, and are retracted laterally. 51, The apparatus moves between an extended position proximate the tire building core and a retracted position that does not obstruct the tire building core during subsequent tire construction. 52, But, after further number crunching, that prediction was later retracted. 53, Fig. 1-97 Anterolateral approach to shaft of humerus. A, Skin incision. B, Deltoid and biceps muscles retracted; brachialis muscle incised longitudinally, exposing shaft.