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class struggle造句
1. Marx wrote about the class struggle. 2. Marx wrote of the class struggle between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. 3. History constituted a vital part of the class struggle. 4. It helps to explain the conservatism of our class struggle, and its failure to mature into socialist struggle. 5. Marx believed that the class struggle which would transform capitalist society would involve none of these processes. 6. Racial struggle is linked to class struggle, and racism fractures both the political superstructure and economic base. 7. However, the class struggle is played out in medicine as in every other institution of society. 8. It abandons the attempt to detect a class struggle between exploiters and exploited within advanced capitalism. 9. Class and social change Class struggle Marx believed that the class struggle was the driving force of social change. 10. Rather, the underlying mechanism was class relations, class struggle and the poverty generated by capital's exploitation of wage labour. 11. Every class struggle is a political struggle. 12. This is a great task, a great class struggle. 13. How could I absorb the language of atheistic materialism and class struggle when it seemed so strange and pernicious? 14. This romance is duly mirrored in working-class politics - miners are the Clark Gables, the Reds of class struggle. 15. Equality in poverty might mean civil population contentment whereas glaring inequalities sow the seeds of a class struggle or revolution. 16. The class approach centers on the examination of the tactics of class domination and the dynamics of the class struggle. 16.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 17. Poulantzas therefore develops his theory by elaborating his conception of the capitalist state and tracing its connection with the class struggle. 18. Militant believes that basic reforms in society can not be achieved without victory in the class struggle. 19. Poulantzas must therefore take into account both social structures and the class struggle to understand the course of events. 20. The changing institutional structure of the state is a historical artefact of class struggle which follows a simple pattern. 21. The club adds a touch of class to the capital of a country that was once obsessed with class struggle. 22. But in doing this they do not wield a power which is independent of the class struggle. 23. Concessions which judges make to workers at one moment in the class struggle may be removed at another. 24. She has minimized the revolutionary fervor and emphasis on class struggle that permeate Beaumarchais' original play. 25. This does not, of course, mean that Marx avoided the problems of class and the class struggle. 26. In the liberal view, the historical process is altogether too rich and complex to be reduced to class struggle. 27. The fragmentation of the state apparatus also conveniently diverts the class struggle to multiple fronts. 28. Unlike Marxism-Leninism, however, the libertarian approach implies no all-embracing historical theory, no tightly-knit analysis of class struggle. 29. This was followed by intervention, by an ... intensification of the class struggle, which assumed the form of civil war. 30. The first part of his answer appeals to the class struggle.