快好知 kuaihz

1. I can do it blindfolded. 2. His abductors blindfolded him and drove him to a flat in southern Beirut. 3. The victim was blindfolded. 4. The report says prisoners were often kept blindfolded. 5. The hostages were tied up and blindfolded. 6. The tall man in the front blindfolded me. 7. The men blindfolded them quickly. 8. She was gagged and blindfolded. 9. They were each blindfolded with big red handkerchiefs. 10. He was blindfolded and shackled to a radiator. 11. Justice is often personified as a blindfolded woman holding a pair of scales. 12. They blindfolded him and tied his hands behind his back. 13. She was blindfolded and taken somewhere in the back of a van. 14. He was blindfolded and taken to Secret Police headquarters. 15. He could sail this water drunk and blindfolded. 16. Many a blindfolded tasting panel has failed to spot the difference between the apple grown without pesticides and that which has. 16. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 17. For that answer, you should be blindfolded, spun around several times, and then asked to point. 18. She crossed backwards, blindfolded, wearing peach baskets on her feet. 19. The blindfolded Brownie points to some one and asks them to make a noise. 20. The kidnappers had tied his hands together and blindfolded him. 21. Blindfolded, handcuffed prisoners were crammed into dormitories and passages, many wearing Air Force uniforms. 22. Experiments with blindfolded pigeons have shown that birds are no more able to fly without a visual reference than are human pilots. 23. One of the acrobats who walked the tightrope at the circus did it blindfolded. 24. Two hands reached from behind his back suddenly and blindfolded his eyes. 25. A mother recognises the feel of her child's skin when blindfolded. Similarly, she can instantly identify her baby's cry. 26. It took a few seconds after he regained consciousness to realize that he was blindfolded. 27. Torture methods taught in the 1983 manual include stripping suspects naked and keeping them blindfolded. 28. He it was who positioned the cart, supervised his assistant, blindfolded the victims and then prodded the horse into action. 29. He thought by now he could walk the streets blindfolded and still find his way. 30. He started, his hands advancing in the thick orange dusk like the hands of a blindfolded child, finding her.