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61. Mount Everest could be seen in the distance. 62. Climbing Mount Everest is a great achievement. 63. the first ascent of Mount Everest. 64. They attempted to climb the Mt. Everest. 65. A small party is planning to ascend Mount Everest. 66. Mount Everest is one of nature's prodigies. 67. An air traveler coming to Manhattan sees it rising inside the ring of its low-lying suburbs like some astonishing Everest, but one flies into Washington almost as if onto the field of a stadium. 68. Surrounded by the majestic Himalaya, Sherpas walk along a stone wall in the verdant hillside village of Namche Bazar, Nepal, a last stop on the way to Mount Everest. 69. Trucks took it from Virginia to California; a ship took it from California to Chile; a truck again took it from sea level to an elevation equal to the base camp on Mt. Everest. 70. A: I'd like to climb to the top of Mount Everest. 71. It is a three-in-one triumph for Moni, who is also the first non-Sherpa Nepalese girl to summit Mt Everest. 72. It showed the ice-encrusted north face of Everest and, below it, the great river of ice known as the Main Rongbuk Glacier, flowing in a sweeping, S-shaped curve down a broad, stony valley. 73. initiative, which seeks to address environmental issues around Mount Everest — say their new solar house could cut dung consumption. 74. Temba Tsheri, a 17 - year - old Nepalese high - school student , has reached the 8 , 848 - meter summit of Mount Everest. 75. Sir Edmund Hillary a Rolex when he climbed Mt. Everest in 1953. 76. If many members of the team are commuting great distances or working in an unconventional location (for example, the Mt. Everest summit), you must take this into account, as well. 77. May 29,1959: Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay become the first people to reach the summit of Mount Everest. 78. Everest, Farmer said. A similar ability to squeeze out ample oxygen from thin air probably gave bird's' archosaur ancestors an edge over the synapsids. 79. The largest volcano found so far is Olympus Mons, a Martian peak that rises 27km high – three times taller than Everest. 80. At the foot of Mt. Everest is located the highest temple in the world, Rongbuk Monastery. 81. Sherpa traversing a ladder on an ice fall Sherpa Nima Dorje Tamang traverses a ladder on the Khumbu Icefall of Mount Everest in Nepal. 82. You can watch us now climbing the highest mountain in the world - Mt. Everest. 83. Prayer flags stretch across Base Camp on Mount Everest, with Nuptse Mountain looming in the distance. 84. Shifting ice exposes new crevasses with little warning, making the Khumbu Icefall the most dangerous section of a southern Everest ascent. 85. 'What will they send me next! ' said Edmund Hillary's gym instructor of the puny school boy now known as the man who conquered Mount Everest. 86. Thick darkness, a twilight between the mountain Mount Everest, the summit also showed only faint outline. 87. With 1.5 cm a copy and stack them up, the pile will be equivalent of more than 200 Mt. Everest. 88. The killjoys who conducted this test point out that sitting through a two-hour movie isn't exactly "climbing Mt. Everest," but theaters are feeding us like we are. 89. Around 3, 000 people have climbed to the Everest summit since Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay became the first people to conquer the peak in 1953. 90. Next up, Gneiting hopes to swim the English Channel, play for the Philadelphia Eagles and hike from the Dead Sea to Mt. Everest.