快好知 kuaihz

1 A prospective study comparing exfoliative and brush cytology has not yet been reported. 2 The overall contribution of exfoliative bile cytology to the diagnosis of bile duct strictures is shown in Figure 3. 3 Aspiration cytology of the neck mass showed only amorphous, necrotic material. 4 A satisfactory alternative or addition to biliary brush cytology is direct biopsy of the stricture using small forceps under fluoroscopic control. 5 Positive cytology was based on the presence of cells with established characteristics of malignancy as shown in Figure 2. 6 We have reviewed our experience of exfoliative cytology in the management of patients with biliary tract strictures. 7 Percutaneous fine needle aspiration cytology is, however, highly operator dependent. 8 Exfoliative cytology was negative in all 15 patients with benign disease resulting in no false positive results and a specificity of 100%. 9 In these patients two novel cytology methods, endobiliary biopsy and endobiliary fine needle aspiration, may be suitable. 10 Multiple sampling for exfoliative cytology has been shown to improve the sensitivity of the technique but is time consuming. 11 Methods Puncturing and absorbing cytology inspection method. 12 Acupuncture, when necessary, feasible mass cytology or pathology examination. 13 Bioptic samples were examined in histology and cytology simultaneously. 14 Cytology of the uterine cervix smear revealed malignant melanoma. 15 Cytology The study of cells; cell biology. 16 A preliminary study on cytology of Chinese Pteris. 17 Corneal impression cytology was performed after 1 min. 18 The signification of status and achievements of cytology researches on Dendranthema spp. for researching chrysanthemum origin and D. spp. evolution was discussed. 19 Objective Analyzing the results of vaginal exfoliativel cytology provides a basis both for the histopathology of patients with (ASCUS)and for selecting the methods of clinical diagnosis. 20 Women with only atypical endometrial cells on cytology can be initially evaluated with endometrial biopsy only rather than colposcopy . 21 Asas,[www.] application prospects of some new methods on cytology researches were discussed. 22 To summarize the characteristics of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in lymphoglandulae granuloma and reactive hyperplasia lesions. 23 The bulbar conjunctiva was obtained by impression cytology, and the microstructure of conjunctiva was observed under the scanning electron microscopy. 24 The tissue obtained may be too small for histological examination but satisfactory for cytology. 25 In 1949 Lemon and Byrne reported a large series of patients undergoing duodenal aspiration cytology with a test sensitivity of over 70%. 26 None of the 15 patients subsequently shown to have benign disease had positive cytology. 27 One third of the patients with cholangiocarcinoma and a quarter of those with cancer of the pancreas had positive cytology. 28 Methods are obviously required to improve the sensitivity of diagnostic biliary cytology. 29 The possible dissemination of tumour by percutaneous fine needle aspiration cytology may result in these becoming the diagnostic techniques of choice. 30 Methods: Radioimmunoassay (RIA) and Wright Giemsa stain were used to detect serum sexual hormone and sperm cytology in 45 aspermia patients.