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collective noun造句
1. 'Family' and 'flock' are examples of collective nouns. 2. 'Flock' and 'committee' are collective nouns. 3. "Flock" is a collective noun. 4. Our collective noun is an Apprehension of Agents. 5. Take our changing use of collective nouns to describe the groups of people we work with. 6. This word is a collective noun./collective noun.html 7. This is a collective noun. 8. When the antecedent is a collective noun, the choice of the number forms of the pronoun and corresponding determiner depends on the meaning of the collective noun in the context. 9. Collective Noun is the name used for a collection of people, animals or things. 10. There is also a kind of collective noun which can be used either in the singular or in the plural sense. eg: team, a team, three teams. 11. In American usage, a collective noun takes a singular verb when it refers to the collection considered as a whole, as in. 12. In American usage, a collective noun takes a singular verb when it refers to the collection considered as a whole, as in The family was united on this question. 13. "People" is a collective noun. It is singular in form, but takes a plural predicate verb. 14. This is a collective noun. Though it appears in the singular form, it takes a plural predicate verb. 15. This is a collective noun, singular in form but plural in meaning . 16. This noun appears in the plural form only, never in the singular form collective noun. 17. This noun appears in the plural form only, never in the singular form. This is a collective noun.