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91, The world's most famous hostage, French-Colombian politician Ingrid Betancourt was released by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia in 2008 after more than six years in captivity. 92, But she stressed dozens of other people remain in jungle camps of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. 93, People hold candles at La Escombrera, a dumping ground for construction materials, in Comuna 13 neighborhood, Medellin, Colombia, during All Souls Day. 94, According to the CRI Online of October 14, many containers were converted into small shops with unique style in Medellin, Colombia. And they form a special container shop street. 95, Today, we answer a question for from a listener from in Colombia. 96, A city of northern Colombia on the Magdalena River near the Caribbean Sea. Founded in '29, it is Colombia's chief port. Population, 89,545. 97, Mexico, Poland and Colombia have signed up for the credit line. 98, FYI Colombia performed a botched Tummy Tuck and I had to go into emergency revision surgery in the U. S. I had two potential fatal infections and I also had a drain that was removed from my body. 99, A city of northern Colombia on the Caribbean Sea east-northeast of Barranquilla. 100, Venezuelan dancer Clarissa Sanchez waits to perform during the International Meeting of Tango in Medellin, Antioquia Department, Colombia on September 17, 2009. 101, One of the few judicial decisions to deal explicitly with intersex conditions came in 1999 from the Constitutional Court of Colombia. 102, Swine flu cases have been reported in more than 20 nations, including Colombia - the first South American nation to see an H1N1 infection. 103, Uribe complained about a trade embargo Venezuela imposed on Colombia, calling Chavez "a coward" when it comes to talking face-to-face and shouting to him "Be a man." 104, Prior to Thursday, Colombia was the only South American nation to confirm swine flu with its borders. 105, "It really depends on the course," said Serena Quiroga, a fourth-year student from Colombia. "I'll probably rent a book, if it isn't for my major but is for a required class." 106, The result was a set of statistics about the average Twitterer in Colombia [es]. 107, Commandos launched a dawn raid against a base belonging to Guillermo Saenz, the chief of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. 108, But there is disenchantment with markets in Colombia, even though the country all but escaped recession. 109, One of the most senior leaders of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Farc) has been killed, say reports. 110, Garcia Marquez of Colombia known as the master of magic realism, his masterpiece, "Hundred Years of Solitude" come out, so that creative magic realism to a peak. 111, Porland Poland and Columbia Colombia are also seeking loans from the program. 112, The non-governmental organization Pais Libre says there are at least 136 people held hostage in Colombia. 113, We continue to face several longer-term internal displacement situations in places like Colombia, Iraq, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Somalia. 114, More than 90 percent of Colombian goods now enter the United States duty-free, while our exports to Colombia face tariffs of up to 35 percent. 115, A city of north-central Colombia in the Cordillera Oriental of the Andes. Founded in1622, it is a leading commercial center. Population, 342, 169. 116, A river rising in the Cordillera Central of western Colombia and flowing about 9'5 km ('00 mi) northward to the Magdalena River. 117, The US Drug Enforcement Agency said the camouflaged 31m-long Ecuadorian submarine, a vessel capable of carrying many tons of cocaine, was found in a river near the border with Colombia. 118, We operate six schools in three diverse regions of Colombia: Barranquilla , Quibd ? ? and Altos de Cazuc á. 119, The Quechuan language of the Inca empire, now widely spoken throughout the Andes highlands from southern Colombia to Chile. 120, But officials note that a criminal gang known as Los Rastrojos and a Marxist guerrilla group called the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia operate in the area.