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natural resource造句
(1) Water power is our country's most important natural resource. (2) Aside from coal, copper is the state's largest natural resource. (3) Sectors are often split into manufacturing, service and natural resource based industries. (4) By way of contrast, natural resource industries were essentially a birthright. (5) Oil is Kuwait's most important natural resource. (6) This is a powerful tool for natural resource management. (7) Development and natural resource amenity areas are often controversial. (8) The country is rich in natural resource. (9) This is a natural resource management powerful tool. (10) Crude oil is a precious natural resource. (11) Geology tour resources is the special natural resource which the geological process forms. (12) Talent resource rather than natural resource and capital resource has become the strategic resource. (13) The present natural resource tax has some problems, such as the nature localization is inappropriate, levies scope is too narrow, the tax basis is unreasonable, the unit tax amount is low, etc. (14) Baumol and Oates , Environmental and Natural Resource Economics , Cambridge University Press , Cambridge .1988. (15) On Friday, Russia's natural resource protection agency, Rosprirodnadzor, announced it would inspect Samotlor, the largest oil field in Siberia run by TNK-BP. (16) Natural resource management in the parks also benefited from congressional initiatives, including the Wilderness Act (1964) and the Endangered Species Act (1973). (17) Second that natural resource and social resource are in one integrated mass. (18) And he called it the long-term stewardship of a precious natural resource. (19) The Department of the Interior and many other federal and state natural resource agencies are moving toward this broader approach to conservation. (20) A major project is under way to reintroduce the waterwheel and turbine in order to harness this great natural resource once again. (21) A number of variations were seen in terms of population size, natural resource endowment, and current levels of development. 3. (22) According to the World Bank, fresh water will become the natural resource most likely to cause wars in the 21st century. (23) In recent years, our country comprehensively implemented the sustainable development the strategic target, the environment and the natural resource protection obtained the unprecedented value. (24) Another key recommendation is for governments to prepare adolescent girls to have a stake in agriculture and natural resource management. (25) The report warned that the only way to slow or prevent these effects is if African governments "prioritize and implement measures to develop agriculture and sustainable natural resource management". (26) The conception and framework of political ecology are briefly introduced and be used to approach the contradiction between primitive natural resource protection and economical development. (27) pursue integrated planning of both terrestrial and marine environments to prevent their degradation and to utilize the full potential of the natural resource base soundly, particularly for ecotourism. (28) Landlinks is a comprehensive information resource that brings together current research, books, and articles focussing on sustainable agriculture, the environment and natural resource management. (29) Economic growth and human well - being depend on the natural resource base that supports all living systems. (30) A state governor oversees the state administrative agencies, including those agencies relating to environmental protection, wildlife conservation, or natural resource management.