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61. The Act enabled workmen to recover compensation without the necessity of proving fault on the part of the employer. 62. King Birendra enjoyed considerable popularity, which enabled him to paper over the cracks in his divided kingdom. 63. At the beginning of the excitation interval the transistor T1 is switched on and the base drive to T2 is enabled. 64. Prices came under pressure early last week as better weather enabled planting to continue. 65. This was successful beyond their expectations, and enabled Swindin to enjoy a long and fruitful retirement. 66. This enabled her to calculate the force that its jaws would need to break the skull of a living animal. 67. Inclining the orbit 9. 9 degrees enabled the craft to drift about ten degrees above and below the equator. 68. This was an extraordinary state of affairs but one which enabled Rodrigo del Bivar to serve so many masters without apparent conflict. 69. The March 912 in which Hunt drove proved competitive and some reasonable results enabled the Hesketh team to stagger through the year. 70. This enabled the establishment of a critical position in relation to science which for Adorno remained so elusive. 71. By the mid-1950s his growing reputation enabled him to concentrate on a literary career. 72. The authorities were enabled to grant scholarships,[www.] and to give vocational guidance. Medical inspection was made compulsory for all children. 73. To take a simple illustration, they should be enabled to read a serious daily newspaper and understand what they read. 74. As the deficit developed, it enabled the fruits of that revolution to seem greater to consumers than they really were. 75. Earlier, permissive legislation had already enabled some authorities to innovate in services for the disabled. 76. The Labour party have lost their majority which has enabled them to do a lot of stupid things. 77. This enabled me still to compete in the Hammersmith and London Schools. 78. Galileo's new mechanics enabled the Copernican system to be defended against some of the objections to it mentioned above. 79. They even took pride in developing new skills which enabled them to use difficult machines which inexperienced people could not use. 80. The final withdrawal without major disaster enabled them to preserve some profit. 81. Even as a small boy, I admired the wonderfully simple system which enabled Mr. Thomas to sell a great deal of meat. 82. Before 1905 was out the spectre of social upheaval thus enabled the Tsar's government to regain the initiative. 83. Radio and television have enabled political messages to reach mass populations. 84. Contact with employers has enabled many young people to see the value of staying on at school to improve their qualifications. 85. The trust's endorsement also enabled her to secure match funding from Barclays Bank. 86. Detailed analysis of the monitor has enabled its colour response to be predicted to a very high degree of accuracy. 87. His light-hearted and friendly manner enabled him to put over a very strong sales pitch without a hint of strain. 88. The next development was the introduction of drive-in theaters, which enabled families to attend, even with young babies. 89. Mere logic and abstinence from wishful thinking had enabled Milner to summarise the story of the next sixty years. 90. Cool foresight and a quick mind enabled him to react swiftly in an emergency.