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1 Lingual view of pontic on model. 2 The profunda lingual artery has two kinds of branches. 3 Over here, they're not even lingual. 4 We have bi - lingual free booklets to give to you. 5 Its brilliant elegant lingual art, can be called " Great works " 6 The authors studied 50 bilateral dissected specimens of lingual artery and 14 bilateral lingual arteries or arteriovenous corrosive casts. 7 Because the anatomy structure of lingual face of every tooth is particular, the standard arch form of lingual orthodontic is "mushroom shape". 8 METHODS: Using a simple semi-fixed lingual arch combined with the edgewise technology to correct 8 cases with linguoclination or buccoclination of the mandibular molars. 9 With multi - lingual search capability , OES can deal with double bytes as well as single bytes contents. 10 Methods Lingual and non - lingual techniques in communicating with patients in paediatrics out - patient clinic triage were summarized. 11 Welcome to hire the multi - lingual electronic - pronunciation - mailBox with a huge memory capacity. 12 Objective To investigate the treatment methods for lingual tipping deep overbite. 13 A bi - lingual ( English & Arabic ) online household and grocery store. 14 Conclusion: The width of lingual vein is closely correlated with the diameters of portal vein and splenic vein in patients with primary liver cancer. 15 Methods: 34 cases of anterior lingual gland cyst were surgically removed, accompanied simultaneously by ipsilateral or bilateral adenectomy. 16 Conclusion:The best procedure for anterior lingual gland cyst was surgically resection with ipsilateral or bilateral adenectomy. 17 Transversus linguae of lingual muscles are more developed. The gustatory glands are seen in radix linguae . 18 Multi - lingual senior project managers give you dedicated service. 19 In most severe cases, the external carotid artery, strap muscles of the neck, Vagus nerve, Hypoglossal nerve and the lingual branch of the Trigeminal nerve are also removed. 20 Objective To observe the stress distribution of maxillary first molar and its periodontium in lingual orthodontics. 21 Methods: Paste 0.020" curved hook made of Australian wire on the lingual side near the torsi version, and bracket (or band) on the buccal side of the torsiversion." 22 Objective : To discuss the frequency and anatomical structure of lingual vascular canal of mandible. 23 Results: According to the morphology of its variable origin, the lingual artery was divided into 4 types: arched, descending, faciolingual and superothyroidolingual arterial. 24 Objective : To reveal the anatomic relationship between hypoglossal and lingual nerve. 25 Objective:To investigate the changes of fungiform Papillae following injury to lingual nerve. 26 The height, width and thickness of the compact substance of the buccal, lingual and inferior bony plates were measured with vernier calipers. 27 Conclusion:(1)The fungiform papilla as well as taste bud depends on the lingual nerve. 28 Objectve: To provide anatomic basis for the extraoral ligation of lingual artery. 29 Bilingual dictionary is the base of many NLP applications such as multi - lingual retrieval and machine translation. 30 Otherwise, the adhesion of abradant periosteum was rather strong. After adhesion, it was hardly influencing for function. So don't emphasize to avoid avulsing lingual side's periosteum clinically.