快好知 kuaihz

1) His mother's death was a shattering blow. 2) It was a shattering blow to her pride. 3) The typewriter was shattering continously. 4) I've had a shattering day. 5) The blast caused extensive damage, shattering the ground-floor windows. 6) The bang came suddenly, echoing across the buildings, shattering glass. 7) It was a shattering schedule - seven meetings in two days. 8) She heard the crash of shattering glass as the vehicles collided. 9) The news was shattering. 10) The news of his death came as a shattering blow. 11) The bullet lodged in the sergeant's leg, shattering his thigh bone. 12) He related his shattering war experiences in his autobiography. 13) The glass tube shattering in a Thermos bottle? 14) The effects of verbal abuse can be shattering. 15) Its suppression after Everett's death was a shattering blow. 16) Mungo imagined them shattering, burying the floor in a tidal wave of crystal. 17) They had the shattering, overwhelming strength of earthquake and hurricane and volcano. 18) That morning it was a matter of blinding, shattering, choking importance. 19) How much punishment could the heart take before shattering into fragments? 20) The experience of their daughter's death had been absolutely shattering. 21) Ellington mourned deeply when Strayhorn died, second only to his shattering grief for his beloved mother. 22) They are the spearhead of the Imperial army, capable of shattering almost any enemy line under the right circumstances. 23) Rajam's death from typhoid in 1939 was the most shattering blow of Narayan's life. 24) He imagined himself telling her, and saw her tiny face falling, shattering on the sidewalk like a small mirror. 25) Gunpowder is still made use of in those quarries where a splitting rather than a shattering action is required. 26) Finally, there had been the last few months, when everything had fallen apart with such shattering swiftness. 27) When at last he allowed the wave to break, she broke with it, mind and body shattering, fragmenting in rapture. 28) Visiting the supermarket might have been a transforming moment for Alexei, a way of easing his contempt and shattering his paralysis. 29) Uncertainties about the efficacy of volume expansion on freezing in rock shattering have encouraged the examination of other possibilities. 30) The car reels and swerves up on to the pavement, crashing into a shopfront and shattering itself and the window panes.