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locker room造句
(1) Jody tells them in the locker room. (2) The locker room is their safe haven. (3) Rock music boomed from speakers in the locker room. (4) I quickly removed my clothing in the locker room. (5) By the time the girls gather in the locker room at three, Jody is seething again. (6) She sits alone in the locker room for a long time, dry-eyed, numb, unthinking. (7) In the ecstatic Louisville locker room, Brian Kiser celebrated the first game-winning shot of his career. (8) He was handcuffed and taken to a locker room where he was chained to a metal grille by the arms and legs. (9) Rooney stays away from the sideline, the locker room, and the headlines. (10) Dennis left the locker room on crutches , his knee heavily bandaged. (11) It was in the locker room that he felt most vulnerable to the aggressive behavior of the other early adolescent boys. (12) She sits on the couch in the locker room staring straight ahead as the others trade jokes. (13) She stalks out of the locker room and into a knot of sports reporters. (14) The girls go down to the locker room in high spirits, all except Eddie. (15) Their locker room Monday was as jovial as any could be, especially considering their 2-4 record. (16) The fans whir in the background, filling the locker room with white noise. (17) But the locker room was considerably more upbeat than after the Maui losses, or the collapse at Kansas. (18) Gilbride, meanwhile, snuck into the Seahawk locker room after the game and sought a private audience with Moon. (19) Smith returned to the locker room Wednesday, after his four-week suspension ended. (20) A woman reporter complained one of them sexually harassed her in the locker room. (21) On the other, he has to come up with things to say to the hungry hordes outside the 49ers locker room. (22) He runs around the sideline during games and dominates the locker room when the games are over. (23) There is the natural tendency, too, for players to circle the wagons in the locker room. (24) But I also know that a word which is acceptable in the locker room can be entirely inappropriate for the classroom. (25) And so can schoolchildren who volunteer to participate in athletic programs and whose expectation of privacy in the locker room is diminished. (26) I followed her through a door and into the locker room. (27) Unfortunately, a row of lockers lined the wall Separating the gym from the locker room, obstructing the view. (28) They are subdued as they walk down the passageway from the visitors' locker room to the court. (29) She stands on the sidelines for a moment watching the warm-up, then about-faces and marches back to the locker room. (30) She takes the anger down with her to the locker room, but keeps it close.