快好知 kuaihz

(1) Plasteel mullions divided the narrow, high lancet windows of stained armour-glass. (2) The fact that this contains three lancet windows shows that this was once a building. (3) There was a patch of light from the lancet window making a pattern on the floor of the chapel. (4) The Lancet medical journal reports that children who were underweight before the operation had a growth spurt afterwards. (5) The Lancet, for instance, had a long series of articles on various medications that paraded as abortifacients. (6) The courtyard was overlooked by the lancet windows of the manorial home itself, and a large chapel. (7) The Lancet is known to the public as one of the world's leading medical journals. (8) The work appears in the May 16 Lancet. (9) The study appeared in the Lancet. (10) The study is in the Lancet medical journal. (11) Lancet is asleep on the rug. (12) The study and editorial appear online in The Lancet. (13) The study appeared in Lancet. (14) But The Lancet states that Europe should follow the lead of the US state of Michigan[.com], which passed a bill on September 21 ruling that all 11 to 12-year-old sixth grade girls must be immunised. (15) Broadsword has many kinds, lancet broadsword, double broadsword, belt broadsword, tiger head broadsword, money broadsword etc. (16) If you have a chronic health problem, the Lancet authors suggest a preflight medical assessment to determine whether it is safe for you to fly and what precautions you should take if you do fly. (17) The study in the journal Lancet says one hundred sixty-five thousand of those tobacco victims were children. (18) The nurse pierced the skin of the boy with a lancet. (19) The growing problem is underlined in the latest issue of the Lancet. (20) The nastiest little attack we endured at this time came from, of all papers, the Lancet. (21) The hardship and neglect suffered by the sick was confirmed by a report published by the Lancet in 1866. (22) Belinda wheeled the trolley over and helped Faye by passing her the lancet and reading the reagent strip for her. (23) At the west end is a beautiful pointed window, and at the east end three lancet windows. (24) He whiled away the time by contemplating the stained glass lancet windows behind the preacher and the holy table. (25) They are severely simple with tall towers and spires and lancet or geometrical window design. (26) Despite claims that it encourages under-age sex, medical journal The Lancet has called for compulsory Cancer jabs should be compulsory for schoolgirls. (27) "For effective and long-term eradication of HPV, all adolescents must be immunised, " said The Lancet. (28) Policy guidance and guidelines on best practices are available for all injections including phlebotomy and lancet procedures. (29) The findings, from Uganda, are in the medical journal, Lancet. (30) The pan-European team from the universities of Barcelona, Bristol, Padua and Milan report on this pioneering work in an article in The Lancet.