快好知 kuaihz

use to造句
91 It is conceivable that quotas may come into future use to encourage or limit the numbers of certain types of applicant. 92 Offering to buy him breakfast out of town is the device I use to hasten the leaving process. 93 Proposals likely to lead to the development of ideas or resources of use to others will be given priority. 94 When considering value the principal concern is the use to which that evidence will be put. 95 I was using the very fast 12-shot per roll film which estate agents use to make houses look good in the rain. 96 It is of no use to put forward a partial plan for the revitalization of our education. 97 It requires field use to be rotated annually, or fields to be left fallow every one or two years. 98 Pipe some icing down one short side of the hutch door and use to secure it to the hutch. 99 Religion can be part of the technique you use to get there in an age where technology is supreme. 100 A restrictive clause in the title deed limited the land use to mission purposes. 101 Of what use to the mosquito, one may ask,[http:///use to.html] is its ping? 102 Detectives have a phrase they use to help determine the trail of guilt from crimes of venality: Follow the cash. 103 Not stay and wait to be thrown out after they'd ceased to be any use to the old baggage. 104 What can I use to get these wine stains our of the tablecloth? 105 He regarded gay men as perverted degenerates who were no use to society and should be put to death. 106 It describes a number of techniques that the teacher can use to involve students in active viewing. 107 What words would you use to describe your emotional characteristics? 108 Their use should minimise water use to making good losses through evaporation. 109 Before that time, alcohol had been in general use to deaden pain, though some sturdy souls rejected it on principle. 110 As compensation, the Lakers are awarded a 1979 first-round draft pick, which they use to select Magic Johnson. 111 What committees and / or forums to use to integrate across functions or units 4. 112 Cut out strips and use to cover the board, trim the edge and smooth any joins. 113 How we view power directions is often a function of the conceptual model that we use to understand behavior in organizations. 114 Scarlet was enormously prestigious: the thirteenth-century sumptuary laws of the kingdom of Castile and Leon restricted its use to the king. 115 By managing the directory, VeriSign has data it can use to market wireless communications and other services. 116 But a sleek sailing boat that spends all its time in harbour is no use to anyone. 117 In use To start with, the Dimension was dead on arrival. 118 In others, central research laboratories produce wonderful results which are of no use to the business. 119 Break the lettuce leaves into small pieces and use to line a large salad bowl or individual salad plates. 2. 120 The more recent studies of discourse analysis have captured the tones which people use to talk of others.