快好知 kuaihz

1. They heaped the barn with grain. 2. Add one heaped tablespoon of salt. 3. He heaped more food onto his plate. 4. He heaped the diamonds up and said they were all his. 5. He heaped abuse on Waite and made venomous personal attacks. 6. He heaped up great wealth. 7. Add a heaped teaspoonful of sugar. 8. He heaped his team with praise. 9. Jean heaped logs on the fire. 10. Add three heaped teaspoons of sugar. 11. Mrs. Madrigal heaped more carrots onto Michael'splate. 12. Sands heaped everywhere on the beach. 13. She heaped my plate with food. 14. She heaped food on my plate. 15. He heaped all the blame on his secretary. 16. Mother heaped delicious food on the plate. 17. Praises were heaped on him after the game. 18. Add 3 heaped teaspoons of sugar. 19. He heaped praise on his team. 20. His bag was heaped with tissues. 21. She looked at the vegetables heaped on the table. 22. The table was heaped with presents. 23. The merchant heaped up a fortune. 24. Snow heaped against the fence. 25. The large desk was heaped with papers. 26. Abuse and scorn were heaped on the proposals. 27. He heaped his plate with food. 28. The giant-killers heaped more misery on the home team. 28.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 29. Abuse and scorn were heaped upon the new tax. 30. The government did not deserve the opprobrium heaped on it by the national press.