快好知 kuaihz订阅看过栏目


1. He became exasperatingly capricious and exacting. 2. Goertz found the IRA exasperatingly amateur. 3. But I found the saving exasperatingly slow. 4. Their progress was exasperatingly slow, but we were beyond exasperation. 5. What Lear revered in Gould - his remarkable business sense and financial efficiency - Gould probably found exasperatingly lacking in Lear. 6. The line that the Inland Revenue has hitherto drawn between investment and trading has been exasperatingly unclear. 7. Viewed simply as a novel, "Lolita" deals with situations and emotions that would remain exasperatingly vague to the reader had their expression been etiolated by means of platitudinous evasions. 8. A meaning easily grasped by most Americans has proven exasperatingly hard for AI to comprehend consistently.