快好知 kuaihz

1. He laid the square table with a tablecloth. 2. The hot iron scorched the tablecloth. 3. She left jammy fingermarks on the tablecloth. 4. Dinner is ready. Spread the tablecloth! 5. She smoothed down a wrinkled tablecloth. 6. She brushed the dust off the tablecloth. 7. Give the tablecloth a good shake before putting it away. 8. Don't sodden the tablecloth. 9. She dribbled salt all over the tablecloth. 10. The tablecloth trails on the floor. 11. Throw a tablecloth over the dining table. 12. There's a spot of ketchup on the tablecloth. 13. The tablecloth is edged with lace. 14. He used weights to keep the tablecloth in place. 15. This tablecloth stains very easily. 16. Mind you don't spill coffee over my best tablecloth. 17. He sat there ruminating and picking at the tablecloth. 18. The tablecloth has a narrow lace border. 19. She smoothed the creases from the tablecloth. 20. Wash the tablecloth in fairly hot soapy water. 21. There's a nasty mark on the tablecloth, and I don't think the usual washing powder will take it out. 22. He sloshed the soup over the tablecloth when he put his spoon into it. 23. The wind blew everything off the table, tablecloth and all. 24. If you soak the tablecloth before you wash it, the stains should come out. 25. Choose candles that will tone in with your tablecloth and china. 26. You can tell how nervous she is by the way her fingers worry at the edge of the tablecloth. 27. The wine had left a permanent mark on the tablecloth. 28. It was impossible to remove the stain from the tablecloth. 29. It's a shame to cover this beautiful table with a tablecloth. 30. Anne has left the walls white, but added splashes of colour with the tablecloth and the paintings.