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at variance造句
31) Cabinet's vision of the Task Force was at variance with Heseltine's own ideas. 32) My ideas are at variance with his. 33) It is unnatural for brothers to be at variance. 34) This idealistic concept is at variance with reality. 35) We are at variance about our lodger. 36) We cannot suit; we are ever at variance. 37) Therefore,[http:///at variance.html] we should set at variance from the deconstructive criticism to the constructive criticism. 38) Despite these resemblances, Emerson and Howthorne are at variance in several important respects. 39) Jill and Sue are at variance ( with each other ) over / about their lodger. 40) The political situation there was equally at variance with our preconceptions. 41) This, too, was something which was completely at variance with the known laws of nature.