快好知 kuaihz

1. We could hear the crackling of a fire. 2. The thunderstorm set the radio crackling. 3. The crackling became louder and louder. 4. He could hear the crackling of burning trees. 5. There was silence except for the crackling of the fire. 6. A log fire was crackling and spitting in the hearth. 7. In the living-room, a huge fire was crackling away. 8. There was a fire crackling in the big fireplace. 9. Beams and crackling wood careened down. 10. She can feel something crackling between her shoulder blades. 11. They exploded with a satisfying crackling pop. 12. There was a crackling noise from Doug's portable radio. 13. An old Bakelite telephone responds with a crackling dial tone. 14. Father Poole sat beside a crackling fire, his breviary on his lap, watching. 15. A monstrous pain crackling along the frozen nerves to leave her dry crying, wordless sobs of abandonment. 16. This is one reason why the crackling sound of the geiger counter has become such a potent symbol of the dangers. 17. One spell had indeed leapt from the crackling pages and lodged itself in the dark recesses of his brain. 18. An antique Oldsmobile crawled by, its tires crackling on the sand-covered, tightly packed ground of the flat. 19. The oil, and the crackling noise, are just tangible ways of demonstrating that reality can be changed. 20. Jaq heard the crackling hum of the sword, smelled ozone. 21. With crackling roar... it came down upon the Union line. 22. A loud crackling of papers and wrappers interrupted the movie. 23. Then she became aware of the crackling from the telephone. 24. The roar of the crackling fire drew near and doom seemed inevitable. 25. To the accompaniment of foghorns and buoy bells, beside a crackling fire, l slowly eat my dinner. 26. As the heat is moist, it does not attack the juices, and the crackling is softened. 27. The nervous horse rolled its eyes white and flicked its ears towards the crackling sound of the muskets. 28. An old pub with beamed ceilings, smoke-blackened, and a log fire crackling and spitting inside a deep alcove. 28.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 29. I didn't think it had ignited and I was walking away from it when all of a sudden I heard all this crackling and banging. 30. The only sound she'd be able to hear was the crackling of the fire.