快好知 kuaihz

stick around造句
1. Stick around; we'll need you to help us later. 2. Stick around, we may need you. 3. Stick around a while and see what develops. 4. Perhaps you'd like to stick around and watch? 5. You go - I'll stick around here a bit longer. 6. Most don't stick around long enough. 7. Why do beneficial bugs stick around? 8. Why don't you stick around? 9. Do you guys want to stick around for a while? 10. But if you mean to stick around on the planet for a bit, you need to keep your eyes skinned. 11. She liked to stick around, see the results, maybe enjoy some off-camera larks in the back office. 12. Gast decided to stick around at his own expense and film as much as he could with the fighters. 13. And marriage developed everywhere to encourage men to stick around their children. 14. Just stick around here until we can think of something. 15. On holidays he would do nothing but stick around. 16. Let's stick around that tree. 17. I didn't stick around long enough to find out. 18. Will Mr Klinsmann stick around after the World Cup? 19. I counted him to stick around. 20. He said to tell you to stick around. 21. OK, stick around, you can handle the phone. " 22. A woman who truly loves you will be angry at you for many things, but will stick around. 23. Whether that will be enough to convince buyers to stick around remains to be seen. 24. But once they're there, once you've given them headroom, they seem pretty determined to stick around. 25. He also has a lucrative five-year contract at Hilton that makes it worth his while to stick around. 26. It all goes merrily or unhappily along whether you stick around to watch or not. 27. They announced that they wanted to talk to everyone, and they asked everyone to stick around for a while. 28. Johnson was entranced by the $ 175-per-week salary and decided to stick around. 29. I've stayed at the same company for seven years, and I'd like to stick around for a while longer. 30. Your fellow-passengers, severely shaken, Will almost all be loath to stick around.