快好知 kuaihz

121, The roads were cluttered with cars and vans. 122, He is very experienced at mending cars. 123, Cars gradually took over from horses. 124, The company has increased the price of its cars. 125, There are too many cars on the road. 126, The sign means that cars cannot enter. 127, I don't recall seeing any cars parked outside. 128, The cars flowed to the airport. 129, He knew little or nothing about fixing cars. 130, He used to let out cars by the day. 131, The gang stole cars and fenced them themselves. 132, Several cars got bogged down in the mud. 133, However, others strongly object to developing private cars. 134, The cars crashed into each other. 135, The factory turns out 900 cars a week. 136, Two freight cars disconnected from the train engine. 137, Many cars run on petrol which contains lead. 138, Foreign cars have swamped the UK market. 139, We had a long conversation about old cars. 140, Cars like mine are curiosities nowadays. 141, How often do you change cars ? 142, Newspaper ads plumped the virtues of China-made cars. 143, A few cars passed close by me. 144, Approaching cars will be routed into two lanes. 145, These cars cost quite a lot of money. 146, These cars are made for export. 147, The child put the toy cars together endways. 148, Are the parking facilities adequate for 50 cars? 149, Two cars skidded on the icy pavement. 150, There are fewer cars parked outside than yesterday.