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driving force造句
1 She was always the driving force behind the scheme. 2 Betty Coward was the driving force behind the project. 3 Who was the driving force in the band? 4 Local parents were the driving force behind the project. 5 Ron is the driving force behind the project. 6 Hawks was the driving force behind the project. 7 Consumer spending was the driving force behind the economic growth in the summer. 8 Whatever the driving force, heat conservation has many advantages. 9 Driving force acts in direction of travel. 10 Who is the driving force in the pipeline development? 11 The driving force is ensuring satisfactory business returns. 12 Agency's new driving force A CHESHIRE-based advertising agency has landed a new campaign, marketing Lada cars. 13 For the lawyer and the judge, a driving force at all times has been the avalanche of precedents. 14 The driving force of a flourishing society is individual acquisitiveness which creates demands that boost trade and increase the general wealth. 15 But the businessmen who are the driving force behind the TECs may feel diffident about administering a chunk of the welfare state. 16 Some of the driving force is lost by D pointing upwards. 17 This possessiveness can be a driving force behind each craftsman and his task. 18 The driving force of the rain precluded conversation, sealed each of us in with his own thoughts. 19 The driving force for inflammation then is a combination of drug and luminal induced mucosal damage. 20 Back in daylight, Vatanen has been the driving force behind the Banbury team today. 21 Animism, the belief that the natural world is inhabited by spirits, is the driving force in Tuvan music. 22 Emotion is more powerful than reason. Emotion is the driving force behind thinking and reasoning. Emotional intelligence increases the mind's ability to make positive, brilliant decisions.Dr T.P.Chia 23 He wants a world beater in his side so how about Nigel Mansell as a driving force in his next squad. 24 First, I would disagree that the Endangered Species Act is the driving force behind conservation decisions. 25 However, we all know that it is important and that it is the driving force of structure. 26 This suggests that the major transfer of care from state hospitals has taken place without any specific political driving force. 27 Local companies have contributed half a million pounds, but the driving force behind the festival is Thamesdown Borough Council. 28 Shouldn't it be the people who have as their driving force the desire to reveal truths about human life? 29 Since the Community's inception under the treaty of Rome in 1957, mutual self-interest has been the driving force behind it. 30 Was it feasible, was it remotely possible, that the mutation had some sort of driving force?