快好知 kuaihz

1. The jewels sparkled in the candlelight. 2. The candlelight enhanced her beauty. 3. Her jewellery sparkled in the candlelight. 4. She was reading a book by candlelight. 5. We had to work by candlelight. 6. There's nothing like candlelight for creating a romantic mood. 7. The candlelight created a rather spooky atmosphere. 8. We dined by candlelight. 9. We ate by candlelight. 10. Moodie's face was a white blur in the candlelight. 11. Continental breakfast weekdays; candlelight brunch weekends. 12. The church walls glowed in the candlelight. 13. I'm a romantic who likes picnics and candlelight dinners. 14. I sit in my room by candlelight, the distant black silhouettes of land through the window strangely calming. 15. We read by candlelight. 16. In the evening guests dine by candlelight in the terrace restaurant. 17. Setting the mood for romance means candlelight and just the right music. 18. Dinner is taken by candlelight at a well-dressed table in the elegant dining room. 19. In the candlelight Miguel told her all about Firebug and Spider and the cops and the kind of work he did. 20. The candlelight revealed that the room was packed with old iron bathtubs which were full of wooden rocking horses. 21. By that same candlelight I read a magazine article about the gradual phasing out of the supposedly antiquated system of Morse Code. 22. There was candlelight, and there were bunks with quilts and blankets heaped on top. 23. The candlelight had taken his cheap suit and made it over in some priceless fabric. 24. The four-course evening meal is served by candlelight and afterwards coffee is served in the drawing room by a log fire. 25. Other figures marched out into the shadows around the candlelight. 26. Power had been restored to all customers by 9: 50 a. m., and business by candlelight was over. 27. Lee saw Anthea's eyes glittering blackly in the dancing candlelight, her chin drawn up in defiance or outrage. 28. I remember, that evening, obsessively re-reading the letter by candlelight. 29. Prue Hines is the cook, offering a four-course meal in the evening accompanied by fine china and candlelight. 30. It seemed so right, the low burr of two voices in the pool of candlelight.