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1 Thus a gene for chromosomal fratricide will spread as surely as a murderer will inherit the Earth. 2 The accompanying fratricide—it involved the murder and uprooting of millions of Hindus and Muslims—condemned India and Pakistan to several destructive wars and a debilitating arms race. 3 The Very Model of a Man is at is best when Cain justifies his fratricide with this lethal logic. 4 At least, he had saved his country from foolish fratricide by unselfishly renouncing the presidency. 5 An American soldier killed five other troops inside a psychological counseling center in Baghdad on Monday, the bloodiest case of military fratricide since the start of the Iraq war six years ago. 6 The scouts moved out ahead, which I thought was stupid, since we already knew where they were, and this just risked fratricide, but that's what they wanted.